Paychex Sucks
1.) Some of Paychex representatives are not competent or do not care. I've seen instances where paychex failed to provide social security numbers for employees on Government filed reports. Getting a social security number is not hard to get for an employee and they should know better than to file payroll returns and W-2's with out this REQUIRED information. This lack of care leads to payroll tax notices the company receives and could lead to penalties. And it is hard to get paychex to handle payroll tax notices even if it is their screw up.
2.) Paychex 401k fees are high and absurd. I have 401k with them and they charged me almost 20% in fees on my contributions. They call the fee the "Mid-Atlantic Trustee Fee". Such a high fee is unexplainable and shows that they don't care about the end customer and only care about profit. If my employer didn't match my contribution I would need to earn >20% from my investments which is not plausible in most instances. Furthermore, no statements or account information I received from Paychex gives information on how this fee is calculated.
3.) Payroll Reports - Paychex payroll reporting sucks. They need a system where their reports can be export to .CSV or excel format (NOT txt or unicode) for easy file keeping and application into accounting systems.

Thursday February 7, 2013 @ 02:13 PM
Yikes Rob, my employer just switched over from ADP to Paychex because they were being screwed on costs. The ink is barely dry on the Paychex contract and I'm not liking the comments I see on this blog. I came here from a Google search after I had trouble creating an online account for Paychex and couldn't get any other support.
Monday February 11, 2013 @ 04:14 PM
185.00 for my year end payroll!!! That f****ring ridiculous!! My accountant doesn't even charge that much. Quick books will walk you through everything payroll checks taxes easier to pay the 200.00 one time fee than to pay these jugheads, corporate scammers!!!!
Tuesday February 12, 2013 @ 10:14 PM
Paychex uses their Columbus fullfillment center as a recruiter for lesbian initiates and passes them on to the main branch for indoctrination into the lifestyle with promotions and raises. Men are exploited or fired. Have Scott Muesner call me.
Thursday February 14, 2013 @ 09:45 AM
To the idiot that complained about taxes being pulled on Friday and not paid until Wednesday.... It takes that long to get into their bank account. Most likely they are making the payments before even receiving your money dumba$$.... But I do hate Paychex, just need to point out how freaking retarded this entitled generation has become. Peace
Thursday February 14, 2013 @ 04:15 PM
I have to say that I don't think your making your employers case (employees of PayChex) when you get on a blog with customers that have valid complaints, and then try to defend yourselves. I just tried to rollover my 401k from Paychex and they say there is a $75 processing fee. This is really a rediculous fee. I have to say that I concur with the complaints. I didn't have a choice on where my employer received there servicse from. Granted some employers need to do a better job of who they contract their services but that still doesn't excuse Paychex for under manning their positions, bad customer service, or outrageous fees.
Thursday February 14, 2013 @ 11:17 PM
Paychex killed JFK
Thursday February 21, 2013 @ 06:23 PM
Hey Third Party. It's actually pretty common for employees to be charged a fee to roll their balance out of the plan. In some cases, the employer decides to cover it, but that's rare in small to medium sized 401(k) plans. Not that I'm sticking up for Paychex. I have left several earlier posts explaining their flawed 401(k) program.
Wednesday February 27, 2013 @ 03:11 PM
The company I work paid out two bonuses since the beginning of the year. Being a payroll company, one would think Paychex can run a bonus as a bonus. Guess again. We have been told that Paychex has two ways of running an off-cycle check, run the amount as if that is what you are being paid for the number of payrolls your company runs in a year or it is paid as a one time payment, not accounting for any earnings to date. For most that means too much tax taken or not enough. Seriously? What kind of payroll company can't take the usual 40% taxed on bonuses? I am so glad my company has been acquired and will switch to ADP.
Monday March 4, 2013 @ 09:05 PM
20% fees is crazy. I only pay 0.1% with my Vanguard admiral shares :)
Tuesday March 12, 2013 @ 04:47 PM
These posts crack me up! I just hear a bunch of whiney as# babies! One thing I found out while working in payroll is that 90% of business owners are idiots and have no clue what they are doing when it comes to payroll and their quarterly tax returns. Hence, that is why they hire third party companies to process payroll for them. But this is the kicker, rather than pay attention to what services they are actually getting, they simply expect payroll companies to do things completely outside the payroll companies responsibilities. Paychex is a company that processes payroll, that is it. They process the information that is provided by the client (for clarification, this is the idiot business owner), nothing more and nothing less. I will say that there are many clients (the other 10% of business owners) that are great and have their stuff together. And guess what? These clients never have a problem, because they are organized and know what they are doing and provide their third party payroll processor all of the necessary information needed in order to process payrolls correctly. All of these people on here bi#$&ing about no social security numbers on W-2’s and bonus checks under/over taxed, both of these things involve information that is supposed to be given from the CLIENT (90%er’s = idiots) to Paychex. If it is messed up, odds are that your boss screwed it up and is blaming Paychex for the error. Paychex does not decide when, where, why and how to pay any of their clients employee’s, that is all on the business owner, the business owners decide all of that.
Now that this is off my chest, I will also admit that Paychex does bring a lot of crap onto themselves. They are not perfect and retain some very crappy employee’s and the corporate departments are nearly impossible to deal with, even when you are calling as a Paychex employee. The corporate office also makes some very questionable business decisions that ultimately end up pissing clients off across the nation. They converted to a piece of s[at]#$, inconsistent, error ridden payroll system that would add/delete checks, delete employee’s and even mess up tax payments. In these instances, Paychex did not charge any additional fee’s to fix them and also would pay any penalties associated with the errors. Paychex also created a payroll app and a new online system for clients to do payroll, the thing with this was that neither actually worked100%, but the CEO’s still chose to go ahead with it rather than wait and work all of the bugs out.
I guess my point is that Paychex does screw up on occasion, but most of the time it is something that has absolutely no rational explanation, it just happens. Just like in every other job, no one is 100% accurate 100% of the time, we are all human and not perfect. If the client is providing all of the information, for every payroll that Paychex requires, payroll will process perfectly every time. If crap gets sent in for payroll processing, guess what comes out? Crap.
Monday March 18, 2013 @ 02:58 PM
I just start with the company I work for and they use paychex. They fail to send our paychex on time. I had to wait until Monday. We all are piss at the company we work for and paxchex. That's why I can't wait to get out of small business work suck. All my family and friend that work for Big company have not problem with getting their pay. If there is a problen with their check there company fix it same day. Not tell us it'll be there the next when we already know it won't be because the next day is Saturday. We have to wait until Monday. In this current economy waiting for money isn't going to go over well. Small business and Paychex sucks!!! Ppl talk bad about big business but I know thing they don't forget to pay their employees.
Wednesday March 20, 2013 @ 09:02 PM
Uh, How exactly is that Paychex's fault. Your company screwed up and didn't transmit their payroll on time. How is this the fault of Paychex. Your company didn't have the payroll submitted it on time. That would be the company's fault. That's also slightly ridiculous that your company cannot write you an in house check, so that you have your money before Monday. Why don't you blame your moron payroll people who don't know how to read a clock and understand what a "deadline" is. Or better yet, go find a better job at the "Big Company" Good luck to you.
Wednesday April 10, 2013 @ 03:34 AM
NEVER hire this company to do your 401k program! My husband and I have a small roofing business and hired Paychex to do payroll. A sales rep talked us into starting a 401k, which was the biggest mistake we ever made! The fees were exhorbitant, the service was awful (getting a report I needed for my accountant took 3 separate phone calls and then they sent another company's financial information to my email!) and now that we want to transfer our 401k to another payroll processing company, they informed us that will cost us $1,200 to terminate with them! This fee was not disclosed in our contract and according to Paychex, was added a year ago without so much as notifying us about it! I wish we had known how horrible this company is before we got involved with them, so I am taking the time to put this on every website I can find to keep others from getting ripped off. I filed a complaint with the BBB and another complaint with the attorney generals office in my state. I urge everyone to take the time to do the same. "All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing."
Tuesday April 16, 2013 @ 01:55 PM
The issue with this company is that the training they provide to new hires is totally inadequate for the new hire (NH)to handle what they are expected to handle once they are out of training and assisting clients. They also hire low level employees who lack the necessary experience but have an AA or BA. For many NH this is their 1st or 2nd job at the most or they are coming out of retirement and need something to do with their time. They don't correctly match employees to the right job fit and those with expertise in one specific area will be hired to work in an area they have no experience in. They also constantly roll out products just to keep up with competition but do not perfect the systems or processes they provide to customers resulting in disgruntled clients with many issues. Paychex trains their employees to train the clients and not to do the work for the client and to troubleshoot issues providing resolutions to the client’s issue. I have worked (outside of Paychex) in HR and payroll for many years and Paychex does not pay their employees or train them well enough to do the work for the client. But what is even funnier is that Paychex provides HR/Payroll services to outside business but does not use any parts of their own systems to process payroll or their internal HRO employee database. They use a more reliable system for their internal employment needs. If that don't tell you something about them as a so called Payroll/HR provider then I don't know what else to tell you. But to give them the benefit of the doubt, it can be due the size of the company and it tremendous growth over the past 40 years of business.
Thursday April 25, 2013 @ 11:52 PM
Your comment 'if you know how to read' is typical of a Paychex response. Your reports often are incoorect, missing information. Your customer service is an 800 number calling another calling another. If you are a small company, you have NO account manager. If you incorrectly pay the USFed taxes and make a mistake, WE must fix it. If you forget to deduct the correct funds, you deduct with NO warning, in FULL, at random times causing bank cash flow problems ... Can YOU read THIS?
Wednesday May 1, 2013 @ 02:30 PM
They can't use our their own systems. It's called Sarbanes Oxley. Second, if you're an EMPLOYER and you FAIL to give your provider your EMPLOYEE'S social security numbers AFTER REPEATED ATTEMPTS to obtain them, then you are at fault, not your provider.
Wednesday May 1, 2013 @ 02:39 PM
[at] Appalled: It's called the "Internal Revenue Code" you moron. They are following the LAW. What you describe is the ONLY LEGAL way to run a bonus payroll. Do your homework. Boy, Ex Employee is right - bunch of idiots that don't know what they're doing or talking about.
Wednesday May 15, 2013 @ 01:22 PM
The only unintelligent people (prefer a more descriptive term that won't pass the automatic censor)out there are the ones that pay 3rd party dearly and believe the excrement you just spouted. So, pray tell, ADP Rep, why did Paychex change all of the addresses on other tax filings except the Employment Security filing? Because they are sloppy and negligent. And judging by your tag and response, ADP is probably the same. So everyone, spurn the big boys and go with smaller outfits like Flex Pay.
Sunday May 26, 2013 @ 11:58 AM
My company has switched to Paychex time and Labor, from Iemployee. This is one of worst programs horribly slapped together piece of Sh&%. I can't believe my company would pay for such a poor excuse for a payroll program.I am beyond aggravated with this program.Stay away!!!! Horrible! Horrible! Horrible!
Wednesday January 30, 2013 @ 05:39 PM
Does anyone know if Paychex company guidelines/policies are available online??