TJ's Blog
Posted by TJ on Friday October 12, 2007 @ 05:24 PM
[Tags: humor, shopping, amazon]
Amazon certainly has an interesting variety of meat available for shipping to your home.
Elk Carcass $1,225.00

And if you don't have enough money for an Elk you can always get the less favorable Venison. It;s picture is the same so it may taste the same as well.
Venison Carcass $269.00
And finally for those with no appetite for deer meat there always Fresh Rabbit.
Fresh Whole Rabbit $29.50

For even more fun check out the comments related to each...
[Tags: humor, shopping, amazon]
Amazon certainly has an interesting variety of meat available for shipping to your home.
Elk Carcass $1,225.00

- Product Features:
- Price based on 225 lb. hanging carcass weight
- USDA Inspected farm raised Rocky Mountain Elk
- Shipped to your door in an insulated container 7-
- 14 days after ordering
Carcass cut to your specifications
Less cholesterol than skinless chicken and one half the fat of beef
And if you don't have enough money for an Elk you can always get the less favorable Venison. It;s picture is the same so it may taste the same as well.
Venison Carcass $269.00
- Product Features:
- Price based on 50 lb. hanging carcass weight
- USDA Inspected farm raised Fallow Deer Venison
- Shipped to your door in an insulated container 7-14 days after ordering
- Carcass cut to your specifications
- Less cholesterol than skinless chicken and one half the fat of beef
And finally for those with no appetite for deer meat there always Fresh Rabbit.
Fresh Whole Rabbit $29.50

- Product Features
- Approx. 3lbs / 1.4kg
- Product of the USA
For even more fun check out the comments related to each...
Posted by TJ on Tuesday September 18, 2007 @ 10:26 AM
[Tags: humor, hints, work]
If you happen to be a office cleaner make sure you are following these steps to be the average cleaning professional.
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[Tags: humor, hints, work]
If you happen to be a office cleaner make sure you are following these steps to be the average cleaning professional.
- Fill up all soap/paper towel dispensers (and lock if available) and but make sure that you do not feed into dispenser.
- If you have to vacuum make sure to vacuum but only vacuum center of rugs to save time.
- Spray a lot of Lysol and put blue dye into toilets but never actually clean the toilets
- Empty all garbages, but don't pick up anything that fell out of garbage, that's too much work
- Wear a lot of perfume/cologne. Be like most cleaners and smell like you just knocked off the perfume display case at department store.
- Make sure you only clean after hours so no one else is there when you cleaning so they can't say you don't spend enough time.
- Either leave stacks and stacks of extra supplies in the bathroom so you do not need to comeback often or not enough so your clients are happy to see you each time.
- There's no need to clean every space every time. If you alternate missing spots people may never notice.
Posted by TJ on Thursday September 13, 2007 @ 02:34 AM
[Tags: personal, rant, update]
[Mood: tired]
I havent been able to do much of anything lately as I've been spending my time at my office filing tax extension due September 15, 2007. Thanks to the internet though I have been able to keep up with most things. I have been buying new boxers and tshirts on the internet as needed since I have no time to do laundry and Every night I log onto youtube and watch the hottest tv shows I missed (yeah I saw Britney bomb). I also have a blockbuster online rental membership so I can even rent movies and return them (unwatched though).
Next I'm gonna start Google Image Searching beds instead of sleep.
The website changed servers and as a result the Rss feed was down due to technicalities but it is live again so make sure you resubscribe.
After tax season I plan on adding a couple new pages so stay tuned.
[Tags: personal, rant, update]
[Mood: tired]
I havent been able to do much of anything lately as I've been spending my time at my office filing tax extension due September 15, 2007. Thanks to the internet though I have been able to keep up with most things. I have been buying new boxers and tshirts on the internet as needed since I have no time to do laundry and Every night I log onto youtube and watch the hottest tv shows I missed (yeah I saw Britney bomb). I also have a blockbuster online rental membership so I can even rent movies and return them (unwatched though).
Next I'm gonna start Google Image Searching beds instead of sleep.
The website changed servers and as a result the Rss feed was down due to technicalities but it is live again so make sure you resubscribe.
After tax season I plan on adding a couple new pages so stay tuned.
Posted by TJ on Thursday September 6, 2007 @ 04:06 PM
[Tags: humor, personal, rant]
Yes, I think have good people skills, what kind of idiot question is that?
[Tags: humor, personal, rant]
Yes, I think have good people skills, what kind of idiot question is that?
Posted by TJ on Tuesday September 4, 2007 @ 10:03 AM
[Tags: hints, accounting, google]
As an auditor you are responsible for knowing if something happens to your cleints that will affect their financial condition or subject them to legal issues. I am sure their a lot of professions where you have clients and want to know if they are in the news. Now most of the time you could just go to the companies webpages and click "news release", however the only problem is this will only give you the news the company wants you to hear. To get both good and bad news use google alerts. Google alerts will send you an email everytime a search term (such as your clients name) shows up in a new news stories. So far I've been alerted to a million dollar lawsuit and a death at one of my clients facilities just by reading the news.
link: Create a Google Alert
Select "News" as type to just get results in news stories only.
[Tags: hints, accounting, google]
As an auditor you are responsible for knowing if something happens to your cleints that will affect their financial condition or subject them to legal issues. I am sure their a lot of professions where you have clients and want to know if they are in the news. Now most of the time you could just go to the companies webpages and click "news release", however the only problem is this will only give you the news the company wants you to hear. To get both good and bad news use google alerts. Google alerts will send you an email everytime a search term (such as your clients name) shows up in a new news stories. So far I've been alerted to a million dollar lawsuit and a death at one of my clients facilities just by reading the news.
link: Create a Google Alert
Select "News" as type to just get results in news stories only.
Posted by TJ on Wednesday August 29, 2007 @ 10:04 AM
[Tags: excel, hints, internet]
I use the following macro to save my timesheet using the filename and path in cell "A1"(ie:C:datafilename.xls).
You can also include today's date using concatenate by including the following in Cell A1
[Tags: excel, hints, internet]
I use the following macro to save my timesheet using the filename and path in cell "A1"(ie:C:datafilename.xls).
You can also include today's date using concatenate by including the following in Cell A1
=CONCATENATE("c:datafilename_",MONTH(NOW()),"-",DAY(NOW()),"-",YEAR(NOW()),".xls")Of course you can replace cell A1 in the following code with any cell you want as long as it contains a valid filename and path.
' SaveFile Macro
' Macro recorded 4/16/2007 by tmiller of
'save a copy of current spreadheet using filename in cell 'TimeFile'
TimeFile = Range("A1").Value
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=TimeFile, FileFormat:= _
xlNormal, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="",
ReadOnlyRecommended:=False _, CreateBackup:=False
End Sub
Posted by TJ on Friday August 24, 2007 @ 01:28 PM
[Tags: rant, definitions, personal]
I am sick of hearing this phrase. Although the phrase is nothing new, for some reason I have been hearing this phrase way too much lately too keep my sanity. I first noted hearing it when the Alex Rodriguez of the Yankees used it to describe his relationship to Derrick Jeter during the 2007 off season and then from there it seems I have been hearing the phrase at least once a day in my office.
I think the phrase is perfect for those times when you need to say something but have nothing to say. But really people stop using it for your answer to everything.
Athlete's have been using this phrase for years in an attempt to sum up their troubles. Infact USA Today awarded the phrase the #1 Cliche of 2004. (USA Today)
The many meanings of "it is what it is":
--Compiled from
[Tags: rant, definitions, personal]
I am sick of hearing this phrase. Although the phrase is nothing new, for some reason I have been hearing this phrase way too much lately too keep my sanity. I first noted hearing it when the Alex Rodriguez of the Yankees used it to describe his relationship to Derrick Jeter during the 2007 off season and then from there it seems I have been hearing the phrase at least once a day in my office.
I think the phrase is perfect for those times when you need to say something but have nothing to say. But really people stop using it for your answer to everything.
Athlete's have been using this phrase for years in an attempt to sum up their troubles. Infact USA Today awarded the phrase the #1 Cliche of 2004. (USA Today)
The many meanings of "it is what it is":
- A phrase that seems to simply state the obvious but actually implies helplessness.
- Meanings it is not going to change, so deal with it or don't.
- Do not over think the situation. a reminder to keep things simple, dont over analyze things, or a way to put a definition on something thats hard to explain.
- Normally used to describe something of irrelevance or an acceptance of the situation.
- Used primarily to cause confusion to the listener.
--Compiled from
Posted by TJ on Wednesday August 22, 2007 @ 01:10 PM
[Tags: news, rant]
The reason scientist have yet to find the cure for cancer is they are too busy doing studies on preposterous points. Take this article for example:
Okay so maybe the point of the study was not to determine if the T-rex could outrun the popular soccer star David Beckham. But why did they put that in the title? To get people like me to read it, and I felt for it and now you did to
[Tags: news, rant]
The reason scientist have yet to find the cure for cancer is they are too busy doing studies on preposterous points. Take this article for example:
Study: T-rex could outrun David Beckham
LONDON, England (Reuters) -- The smallest dinosaur could reach speeds of nearly 40 miles per hour and even the lumbering Tyrannosaurus rex would have been able to outrun most modern-day sportsmen, according to research published on Wednesday.
Even T-rex, who wasn't incredibly fast, could chase down footballer David Beckham.
Scientists using computer models calculated the top speeds for five meat-eating dinosaurs in a study they say can also illustrate how animals cope with climate change and extinction.
The velociraptor, whose speed and ferocity was highlighted in the film "Jurassic Park", reached 24 miles per hour while the T-rex could muster speeds of up to 18 miles per hour, the study published in the Royal Society's Biological Sciences showed.
"Our research, which used the minimum leg-muscle mass T-rex required for movement, suggests that while not incredibly fast, this carnivore was certainly capable of running and would have little difficulty in chasing down footballer David Beckham, for instance," said Phil Manning, a paleontologist at the University of Manchester, who worked on the study.
The smallest dinosaur -- the Compsognathus -- could run nearly 40 miles per hour, about 5 miles per hour faster than the computer's estimate for the fastest living animal on two legs, the ostrich.
A top human sprinter can reach a speed of about 25 miles per hour.
The researchers used a computer model to calculate the running speeds of the five dinosaurs that varied in size from the 6.6 pound Compsognathus to a six-ton Tyrannosaurus.
They fed information about the skeletal and muscular structure of the dinosaurs into the computer and ran a simulation tens of millions of times to see how fast the animals moved, said William Sellers, a zoologist at the University of Manchester, who led the study.
They checked their method by inputting data of a human with the muscle and bone structure of a professional sportsman and found the computer accurately spat out a top running speed just behind T-rex's pace.
"People have estimated speeds before but they have always been indirect estimates and hard to verify," Sellers said. "What we found is they were all perfectly capable of running."
Looking at how these ancient animals lived and died out is also important in trying to predict how modern day species may cope with future climate change, Sellers added.
This study helps to build a biological picture that scientists can use to better understand how dinosaurs adapted to changes in the weather just before they went extinct some 65 million years ago, he said.
"Knowing how these animals coped over the past millions of years will give us clues to what is going to happen over the next thousand years," he said. "That is why there has been more recent interest in biology of these animals." E-mail to a friend
Okay so maybe the point of the study was not to determine if the T-rex could outrun the popular soccer star David Beckham. But why did they put that in the title? To get people like me to read it, and I felt for it and now you did to
Posted by TJ on Monday August 20, 2007 @ 01:03 PM
[Tags: hints, software]
You can save trees and printing cost by simply changing your settings in adobe acrobat and Microsoft Word to print pages side by side. What will happen is the pages will print two pages per page instead of one. Of course, this hint is not for everyone, especially those with bad eyes.
To change your settings:
Adobe: File -> Print... -> Page Handling ->
Select "Multiple Pages Per Sheet" and Number of Sheets "2"
Office: File > Page Setup -> Options : Select pages per Sheet "2"
Internet Explorer: Same as for Office
(Unfortunately, the settings in office and IE do not save so you need set these each time you print.)
Another solution to greener printing is use software (for a fee) developed by Greenprint Technologies which automatically analyzes every print job and highlights unnecessary pages for deletion by you. Product Link.
[Tags: hints, software]
You can save trees and printing cost by simply changing your settings in adobe acrobat and Microsoft Word to print pages side by side. What will happen is the pages will print two pages per page instead of one. Of course, this hint is not for everyone, especially those with bad eyes.
To change your settings:
Adobe: File -> Print... -> Page Handling ->
Select "Multiple Pages Per Sheet" and Number of Sheets "2"
Office: File > Page Setup -> Options : Select pages per Sheet "2"
Internet Explorer: Same as for Office
(Unfortunately, the settings in office and IE do not save so you need set these each time you print.)
Another solution to greener printing is use software (for a fee) developed by Greenprint Technologies which automatically analyzes every print job and highlights unnecessary pages for deletion by you. Product Link.
Posted by TJ on Tuesday August 14, 2007 @ 12:35 PM
[Tags: internet, eBay]
I happen to own the domain name . I picked it up on eBay a couple years ago for $10. I think the domain name is actually pretty clever since you often get extra hits from tutorial websites that have the text "" any where on it. I figured this extra incentive will raise the asking price so I have have listed my domain name for $25,000. Am I crazy for asking that much? Probably, however, less popular domains have gone on ebay for much higher and crazier domains are listed on ebay for millions more. I figured why not give it a shot. Next I try selling it on Sedo the premier domain auction site.
Some newsworthy domain sales: (news article) sold for $350 million (news article) Sold for $250,000 (news article) sold for $117,000 - Wow I didn't know .info domain's were worth anything.
Comfirmed: Sex does sell:
- sold for a rumored $12M in cash and stock last year.
- sold for $450,000 last year.
- sold for 9.5 million in 2007 (news article) On ebay now for a starting price of only $25,000. Bid and make history!
[Tags: internet, eBay]
I happen to own the domain name . I picked it up on eBay a couple years ago for $10. I think the domain name is actually pretty clever since you often get extra hits from tutorial websites that have the text "" any where on it. I figured this extra incentive will raise the asking price so I have have listed my domain name for $25,000. Am I crazy for asking that much? Probably, however, less popular domains have gone on ebay for much higher and crazier domains are listed on ebay for millions more. I figured why not give it a shot. Next I try selling it on Sedo the premier domain auction site.
Some newsworthy domain sales: (news article) sold for $350 million (news article) Sold for $250,000 (news article) sold for $117,000 - Wow I didn't know .info domain's were worth anything.
Comfirmed: Sex does sell:
- sold for a rumored $12M in cash and stock last year.
- sold for $450,000 last year.
- sold for 9.5 million in 2007 (news article) On ebay now for a starting price of only $25,000. Bid and make history!
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