Funny Away Messages
This page contains funny away messages that you can use with an instant messenger program. Enjoy!
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Hi... now you say something!
Submitted: by by Sami
I am not really away... the computer must be lying to you.
the voices in my head are talking again!
Some people IM people just to see their away message.
Submitted: by by Chelsey
Strike 1.. Strike 2.. Strike 3.. I'm out... so call my cell
Submitted: by by Cait
"Damn, I've fallen into the fourth dimension again. Be back later "
Do you realize that by reading this message you've just wasted 14 seconds of your life?
"Do you know what? No I suppose you don't. I'll introduce him to you sometime when I'm bored. However, right now I'm not bored because I'm not here so leave one. "
HA I'm gone and you are sitting around reading away messages!
I can't be here all the time ya know
Submitted: by by Stephanie
"Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, I'm taking a shower, So I won't smell like you! "
Submitted: by by Lacey Knowles
"I'm so busy doing nothing, that I can't do anything else. "
"Not here, not there, where am I? "
"I'm single-handily trying to free the world of hunger, starting with myself. "
Don't act like you didn't see that yellow pad next to my name
I'm physically here but not mentally so leave a message!
A guy walked into a bar. He was treated for minor injuries.
I'm out getting drunk leave a message and I'll contact you when I sober up.
"Join the army! Travel the world, Meet interesting people, and kill them. "
I'll sleep when I'm dead.
Calm down. It's only ones and zeros.
"Sorry, we're fresh out of (your name). How about fries instead? "
Submitted: by by Jordan
When you're run down the best thing to take is the license number.
Guess what peoples...think harder...come on you can get it.. I'M NOT HERE!!!
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