Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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no, NO, you don't need to apply for a Target credit card in the 10 items or less lane.
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11-03-2011 00:53
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The English language is the easiest to learn because even if you get it wrong, so do most of the natives
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11-03-2011 00:50 by ~heZz~
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why did the chicken cross the road? To show POSSUM's that it can be done!!
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11-03-2011 00:46 by Oregon
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why did the chicken cross the road? "to get to your house"..knock knock..who is there? "the chicken"
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11-03-2011 00:40
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You know you love someone when you talk to them on the phone while you're on the toilet
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11-03-2011 00:33 by missxtina
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Nothing like a mug full of caffeine and self-hatred topped with an overwhelming amount of regret to start your day.
Soooo.... Justin Beiber is pregnant. That's gotta be hard for a 13 year old to go through..
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11-02-2011 22:43 by Brandon
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i hear bieber is expecting a kid...i wonder when justin's due date is
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11-02-2011 21:43 by Eddy
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If sex between 3 people is called 3some, between two people is called twosome. why is Handsome still a compliment?
I <3 it when I come home & my dog does the happy dance, looks more like the lambada but wutever....
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11-02-2011 21:32
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Love starts with "You are different" & ends with "you are all the same"
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11-02-2011 21:21 by BEGO
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No one ever gets tired of loving. They just get tired of waiting, assuming, hearing lies, saying sorry & hurting.
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11-02-2011 21:20 by BEGO
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Don't let loneliness drive you back into the arms of someone you know doesn't give a damn about you.
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11-02-2011 21:17 by BEGO
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I hate when people ruin my status by commenting with their lack of humor.
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11-02-2011 20:58
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Boinga boinga boinga boinga (woman jogger) boinga boinga boinga.....
I have restless leg syndrome and may not be able to stop myself from kicking your ass!
I'm proud to come from a family of work-a-holics.....Everytime someone mentions work, we all get drunk! ツ
You have 500 friends? No you don't. Ask one of them to randomly drive you to the airport.
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11-02-2011 20:13
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What's this I hear about some 19 year old girl getting Justin Bieber pregnant? Is it possible that 2 women can pregnate a child?
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11-02-2011 20:12 by VB
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Every tombstone has three things is common: the day you're born, a dash, and the day you die. And people wrongly put a lot of emphasis on the dates, but it's not the dates that matter most- it's the dash in between. It is that dash that is the measure of