"new york" Funny Status Messages
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How great will it be when Trump steps up to the podium after accepting the Republican nomination and says "Live from New York, it's Saturday night"....
The MSM claims national polls have Biden ahead by 14 points. By "national", they mean New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and cemeteries.
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10-05-2020 09:40 by IARU
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I wish I loved anything as much as New Yorkers love to tell you they're from New York.
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12-31-2013 13:12
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In honor of Yankees Superstar Alex Rodriguez's 211 game suspension for steroid use, the city of New York has announced that it plans to name the Verazno-Narrows Bridge (The longest suspension bridge in the world) the "A-Rod Suspension Bridge."
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08-05-2013 21:01
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Yesterday the DEA raided several NFL teams suspected of giving prescription painkillers to their players. In its defense, the New York Jets’ doctor said, "We don't give painkillers to our players. We give them to our fans.
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11-18-2014 14:17 by Mark M
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Michael J. Fox etch-a-sketched the entire New York City skyline in 4 seconds.
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08-14-2013 15:04 by snotty
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Fun Fact: In New York City it’s a Class A felony for a pizzeria to run out of pepperoni.
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09-30-2020 15:44
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The Vatican removed Bishop Sicola from New York from the final candidate list for the papacy...... Apparently they thought it wouldn't seem proper to address the new pontiff as ''Pope-si-cola.''
The New York City protesters look like GOD picked up a Wallmart and dumped it on Wall Street.
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10-10-2011 22:21
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Looking forward to seeing New York the day after tommorrow. Sandy
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10-29-2012 13:56
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New York Times reports Neanderthals mated with humans thousands of years before "Jersey Shore."
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05-07-2010 12:34 by jdpower
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I saw a license plate yesterday that said "I miss New York", so I smashed their window and snatched their laptop.
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03-02-2013 20:10
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Go ahead and seceded, you will lose Hollywood and New York and you will gain Texas. YEE-HAW!
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11-14-2012 10:12
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If anyone believes Osama Bin Laden was really buried at sea, I have a bridge in New York I want to sell you.
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05-03-2011 03:02 by Gil
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Wonder if they will take as long to clean up new York city as they did new Orleans????????
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10-30-2012 14:09 by Jhows21
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The weather in New York is partly cloudy and warm...just like A-Rods urine sample
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06-03-2010 18:50 by john
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I was on the phone earlier with a friend in upstate New York. We touched on the weather. She said, "It's wet, gloomy and mostly in the 40's. I said that sounds like my sƐx life.
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10-13-2020 17:11 by Fazzy
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"I always try to go the extra mile for my customers" - New York City's most hated cab driver
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03-10-2011 17:35 by Charles35
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If Rudy Giuliani gets a divorce in New York, are he and his wife still cousins?
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06-20-2018 19:28
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Was visiting New York and asked someone, "How do I get to Carnegie hall?" The said, "Practice man, practice."
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01-23-2016 20:39
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