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   messageicon It may be Pre-Season Football, but I'm drinking like this game really counts.
←Rate | 08-25-2010 12:45 by MBH Comments (0)  

   messageicon You're only young once. After that, you need some other excuse for acting like an idiot.
←Rate | 08-25-2010 12:41 by MBH Comments (0)  

   messageicon People accuse me of being overly competitive. I'm not. I'm the most non-competitive person in the world. No one even comes close.
←Rate | 08-25-2010 12:41 by MBH Comments (0)  

   messageicon Victoria's Secret: objects in this t-shirt may be smaller than they appear.
←Rate | 08-25-2010 12:39 by MBH Comments (0)  

   messageicon Happiness is realizing you can have as many drinks as you want 'cause you're not driving.
←Rate | 08-25-2010 12:38 by MBH Comments (0)  

   messageicon I wish I was friends with a midget so I could introduce by saying, "Say hello to my little friend."
←Rate | 08-25-2010 12:36 by MBH Comments (0)  

   messageicon If you're wearing sweat pants either you just worked out or you've never worked out.
←Rate | 08-25-2010 12:35 by MBH Comments (0)  

   messageicon Just once I'd like to see someone in a movie call bullsh*t when someone tells them their phone number starts with 555.
←Rate | 08-25-2010 12:33 Comments (4)  

   messageicon Captain Obvious must have been the last superhero name available.
←Rate | 08-25-2010 12:32 by MBH Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'm watching Scarface 'cause I'm gangsta... On VHS 'cause I'm old school.
←Rate | 08-25-2010 12:31 by MBH Comments (0)  

   messageicon Love is like a beach ball at a rock concert. It's fun for the people that get to be a part of it and just plain annoying for everyone else.
←Rate | 08-25-2010 12:29 by MBH Comments (0)  

   messageicon I wouldn't call it a career, it's more of a soul-sucking paycheck making machine.
←Rate | 08-25-2010 12:28 by MBH Comments (0)  

   messageicon When you count, it's called push-ups. When you don't, it's called sex.
←Rate | 08-25-2010 12:27 by MBH Comments (0)  

   messageicon No meal tastes as delicious as the meal that someone else cooks.
←Rate | 08-25-2010 12:26 by MBH Comments (0)  

   messageicon McDonald's is like a one night stand. I crave it. It feels good going down. I completely regret it afterwards.
←Rate | 08-25-2010 12:25 by MBH Comments (0)  

   messageicon The only thing I hate about having a phone is when people call.
←Rate | 08-25-2010 12:22 by MBH Comments (0)  

   messageicon Dear reply-to-all sender, we obviously have a mutual friend here and even though I've never met you, I hate you already.
←Rate | 08-25-2010 12:21 by MBH Comments (0)  

   messageicon Well officer, it wasn't public urination until you started looking at me.
←Rate | 08-25-2010 12:18 by MBH Comments (0)  

   messageicon just b/c a hoe is throwin it at you don't mean you gotta take it. its like boxing, you don't take every punch thrown, dodge that b1tch.
←Rate | 08-25-2010 11:31 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Having your gf/bf break up with you and saying: We can still be friends. Is like your dog dying and you mom saying: You can still keep it
←Rate | 08-25-2010 11:17 by @KMAC_MSE Comments (0)  

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