Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Sick! You can type your Facebook Password into a comment and it comes up as stars!! ********** haha cool!
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09-29-2010 09:49
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remember the days when Blackberry and Apple were just names of fruit?
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09-29-2010 09:50
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You know things are tough when my retirement plan consist of playing the lottery :(
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09-29-2010 09:53 by Mark
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stopped by the cash machine today, printed out my balance statement, and it read "B**CH, YOU JUST GOT PAAAAID!!!" wohooooo! I ♥ YOU PAYDAY
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09-29-2010 10:02
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I am now an official card carrying member P.E.T.A. - People Eating Tastey Animals.
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09-29-2010 10:12
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What does the nfl and brokeback mountain have in common? Cowboys that suck
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09-29-2010 10:45
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Wirtten on Hand dryer in Airport: Press & wait for a message from the President.
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09-29-2010 11:03
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I find it helps to organize chores into categories: Things I won't do now; Things I won't do later; and, Things I'll never do.
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09-29-2010 11:37 by Aaron
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You know your life is boring when happy hour is when the kids take a nap.
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09-29-2010 11:39 by AT
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I've got to quit sleeping with the news on all night. I woke up this morning thinking I had just saved the world from terrorists.
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09-29-2010 12:26
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welcome to walmart.......get your sh*t and get out
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09-29-2010 12:49
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duck tape makes no! no! no! sound like mhmm! mhmm! mhmm!
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09-29-2010 12:57
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I asked my co-worker if he think he's going to Heaven. He said, "Hell yea!"......
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09-29-2010 13:35 by @TeeWuu86
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If you have a parrot and you don't teach it to say,"Help, they've turned me into a parrot", you are wasting everybody's time.

You don't have to be good at anagrams to see that Pope Benedict is an Epic Bent Pedo.

At least once a week, everyone should bike to work, so there will be less traffic for me.

This ban on texting while driving only makes things worse. Now I have to worry about driving, texting AND not getting caught texting.

My internet is so slow, it would be faster to just drive to Google's headquarters and ask them this sh!t in person.

How many Snickers are an acceptable meal replacement?

When I see a photo enforced traffic light, I pose and wave as I run it, tons of adoring fans at the county courthouse send me letters.