Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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even the dark is frightened of me !
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09-17-2010 11:19
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wonders if bear cubs wrestle and bite each other to prepare for hunting and caring for themselves as adults, why do babies pull folded laundry out of a basket and lay it all over the floor? Preparing to be husbands?
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09-17-2010 11:32 by AT
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how does one reconcile the statements "If at first you don't succeed, try try again" and "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results"?
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09-17-2010 11:44
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If you didn't do anything wrong, then why do you look as nervous as a pedophile on parole at Chucky Cheese?!
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09-17-2010 13:49
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always happy, and wondering how they will find pppropriate picture to use on his obituary
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09-17-2010 14:10
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likes saying YOU'RE WELCOME really loudly when people don't thank you.

I lost my phone for an hour. The day I lost my 5 year-old neice at the zoo is now the second most terrifying experience of my life.

I credit Tetris for the speed and agility I display when loading the dishwasher
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09-17-2010 15:01
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Today I went to IKEA and hid in the wardrobes. And every time someone opened the doors I welcomed them to Narnia!
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09-17-2010 15:34
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facebook should add a b*tchslap otion along with like or dislike option
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09-17-2010 15:41
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there should be a happy hr during the work day whos on board
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09-17-2010 15:45
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Dear Mrs. Obama- I've scheduled some movers for tomorrow at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Dad always tried to warn me that if I continued to play with the stapler while naked I would eventually be bored enough to try stapling things that should not be stapled. For well over 30 years I proved Dad wrong. Today, however, he was finally right.
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09-17-2010 16:39 by JC
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at Office Depot wearing a raincoat looking for a staple remover.
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09-17-2010 16:41 by JC
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agrees with Ellen DeGeneres. Tennis ball chasers would be more efficient if they used a leaf blower.
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09-17-2010 16:42
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At first we were just going to stay home at Intercourse, PA but then my wife said she wanted a vacation out of the states so now we are going to Phucket Thailand
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09-17-2010 17:21
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Beekapoo is me the lime
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09-17-2010 17:56
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The happiest sentence: "...but I love you". The saddest sentence: "I love you but..."
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09-17-2010 18:01 by GoraN
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I see a lite in the distance....could be a Miller Lite, I better go check it out!
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09-17-2010 18:02 by one
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Here's to hoping next time Lady Gaga wears a dress made out of Justin Bieber.
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09-17-2010 18:38 by jdpower
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