Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
Page: 770 of 6404

They should have one Facebook for True Friends "Two Face"book for the Rest!! Just Sayin
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09-16-2010 07:23
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kayaking....makes me wet
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09-16-2010 08:25 by Schmidty
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saving money and recycling my peanuts

So today I think I'm going to entertain my kids with a good game of duct, duct, tape.
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09-16-2010 09:35 by kmk4ever
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crane operators have swinging balls
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09-16-2010 09:42
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Sometimes when a person tells you "I've got your back..." they forget to add " my crosshairs."
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09-16-2010 09:44 by Aaron
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took my dog to sign up for Welfare. The clerk said dogs are not eligible. I said why not?!? He's unemployed, lazy, can't speak English, and dosen't know who his dad is!
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09-16-2010 12:20 by AT
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Doesn't understand the relationship status "It's complicated". Do you introduce them as friend, stranger or complicated?
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09-16-2010 12:46
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Cancel my subscription, cause I'm over your issues!

Birdie, birdie, in the sky, why'd you do that in my eye? Looks like sugar, tastes like sap. OMG! IT'S BIRDIE CRAP!
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09-16-2010 14:12
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Ever look at your friend's photos on facebook and think to yourself "She is way too hot to be with that loser!"? Um, me neither. Actually it was a rhetorical question.
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09-16-2010 14:44
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I totally think that I am following the A-Team's van right now, I am just waiting for things to just explode around us to confirm, this could be epic

the last thing you want to feel at your colonoscopy is your doctors hands on your sholders

looking forward to see the date and clock show 10/10/10 10:09
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09-16-2010 15:10
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Birdie Birdie in the sky did a poopie in my eye. I dont swear I dont cry I'm just glad that cows dont fly
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09-16-2010 15:20 by that girl
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I like science. I know for a fact that you have 206 bones, and if you would like one more, I'd be glad to do it.
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09-16-2010 15:32 by Omar Ayub
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- You gotta take some chances, You gotta risk it all, You gotta close your eyes,` &jump'; 'cause it might be worth the fall..
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09-16-2010 15:52 by imru
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Are orphans allowed to watch PG movies???
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09-16-2010 16:05 by geez
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What do burnt toast and a pregnant woman have in common?... In both cases you'd wished you had pulled out a few seconds earlier.

You could learn a lot by listening. So shut up and let me talk.
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09-16-2010 16:24 by Aaron
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