Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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If god is a dj, life is a dancefloor, love is a rhythm, you are the music, you get what you are given it's all how you use it and god wants you to shake your ass!
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09-04-2010 23:23
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Sure, I've got buns of steel. Just look in the breadbox.
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09-04-2010 23:53 by Aaron
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Every time you lick a 9 volt, battery, you lick every person that's licked that 9 volt battery.
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09-05-2010 05:01 by Zack
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If zombie's were dyslexic everyone named Brian would be in trouble
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09-05-2010 05:04 by Zack
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A man walks into a bar. He says to the bartender..... "Ow".
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09-05-2010 05:09 by Zack
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When I'm done using a unisex bathroom I leave the seat halfway up....never know who is coming in after me
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09-05-2010 09:59 by JMc
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hates having friend requests off faceless girls. Its called facebook for a reason you stupid splitarse! And that faceless pic looks like Darth Vader. Who wants 2 be friends with Darth Vader?!!
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09-05-2010 11:21
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relationship status as changed from " It's complicated " to "is in a relationship but the wife doesn't know"
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09-05-2010 11:43
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I still can't believe it! It does exist! Yes, just read that actually there is a place called "Canadian Hurricane Center"! Honest!
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09-05-2010 11:52 by Tonzio
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USA & UK... Two countries standing side by side fighting the terrorist!!!!
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09-05-2010 11:57 by USUK
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i think next time I'm out drinkin I'm gunna pull the label of my last beer and stick it on my shoulder just in case I get pulled over... that way I can say "no I havent officer, I'm on the patch"
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09-05-2010 14:25
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When love is not madness... it is not love.
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09-05-2010 14:36 by Zack
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Drown in your blood or live in your sht
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09-05-2010 14:38 by Zack
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You can't turn a ho into a housewife unless you're playing Scrabble.
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09-05-2010 14:40 by ANGELA
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thinks a religious war compares to 2 kids having an arguement who got the toughest imaginary friend
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09-05-2010 15:31
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Note to self: I think we should see other people.
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09-05-2010 15:58 by Aaron
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remembering the days when cell phones were used for making phone calls.
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09-05-2010 16:58
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If your boyfriend isn't ignoring you as much as you'd like him to, suggest he join a few more fantasy football leagues.
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09-05-2010 17:02
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At what point does "experiencing higher than normal call volumes" become "we don't feel like hiring more people."
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09-05-2010 17:03
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The heart is the center of the body but beats on the left. Maybe that's the reason the heart is not always right.
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09-05-2010 17:04
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