Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Cooking for 2 hours just to eat for 10 minutes is the biggest scam in the world.

Ha ha funny
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04-05-2024 16:11
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I had a thought, and then I had another thought. They bounced off each other and now I can't find either one.

it just me or do you think there's something terribly wrong with YouTube playing a 30 second commercial from their sponsor before watching a How to operate a fire extinguisher during an emergency video?
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04-07-2024 00:56 by Moon
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By 11:59pm on 4/8/24, a lot of people are going to look ignorant. It will be those expecting to be raptured or everybody else.
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04-07-2024 16:58
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Sometimes you have to sit back and play the role of a fool to fool the fool who thinks they are fooling you.

To all you folks out there that have no life and need this Eclipse to fulfill that void in your life? I heard if you moon the eclipse, you will become a smart ass like me and will become significant and with purpose!!
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04-08-2024 10:46 by DonnyWang
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You know, while we’re at it, don’t look directly at me today either.

Wondering, what are the aliens on the dark side of the moon doing? Seeing the sun for the first time?
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04-08-2024 14:16 by Otis
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I don't know what to make for my dinner. In the refrigerator I have two all-beef patties and some special sauce, but I can't think of any other ingredients that I could add to these.
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04-08-2024 18:46
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Four pair of solar eclipse glasses for sale. Just used for just a few minutes. 1/2 price. 😎
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04-08-2024 19:31 by ChuckyB
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Romans after the eclipse… Veni, vidi, nōn vidi!
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04-08-2024 21:03
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I was standing in the park wondering why frisbees got bigger as they get closer... THEN IT HIT ME.

I was watching Family Feud. I can't believe they've found that many black families with a dad.
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04-11-2024 04:44
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Wanna make a car dealer uncomfortable? Just say, "Tell me if you can hear this". Then get in the trunk and start screaming.

Instead of a coffin, OJ will be buried in a white Ford Bronco, wearing black leather gloves.
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04-11-2024 12:54 by Gil
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When I'm behind a slow car I steer my car a little to the right so the people behind me can see it isn't my fault.

In an Ironically turn of events, Ford recalled 43,000 white Ford Broncos yesterday. OK I made up the white part.
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04-12-2024 08:40
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I had a babysitter and she didnt watch me and I stick a pencil up my nose
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04-12-2024 12:09
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Police have confirmed that the man who fell from the roof of the 18th floor night club, was not a bouncer.
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04-13-2024 04:52 by MWC
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