Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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You know you are obsessed with farmville, when your stomach is growling and you say, "Shut-up! I need to harvest!"
Sometimes I feel like kicking you in the face ... but then again WHY should I help improve your looks?
thinks that while many auto manufactures put the brakes on due to this global ressession, Toyota just kept on rollin'.
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03-15-2010 10:45 by Tim
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(insert random song lyrics that describe how I feel, even though nobody cares)
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03-15-2010 11:26 by Jake
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Stix and stones may break my bones but this shovel can knock you the f**k out!!!!!
In the end, I will remember not the words of my enemies, but the silence of my friends.
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03-15-2010 12:09
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Time may be a great healer, but it's also a lousy beautician.
In just two days, tomorrow will be yesterday!
I had plenty of pimples as a kid. One day I fell asleep in the library. When I woke up, a blind man was reading my face
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03-15-2010 15:32 by MG
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knows that when Jack Bauer rips a lamp off the wall, it's time to guard your nipples.
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03-15-2010 15:45
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03-15-2010 16:07 by kg~ohyaya
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so T-Mobile calls me up and asks "what do you want for a cell phone company" ? So I tell him.... A blow up doll that doesn't fart and fly out the window when you bite her neck.......she hung up!..... I guess they didn't REALLY want to know!
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03-15-2010 16:28
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Damn!!!...If you gonna be two faced, girl, at least make one of them look pretty...!!!!!
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03-15-2010 17:21
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wonders why it is "cool" to throw up the PEACE sign in pictures? You look retarded with your head twisted to the side and holding up the peace sign...
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03-15-2010 17:47 by johnny5
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I don't know how to do my own taxes, but I CAN name the brand of cereal just by hearing it being poured into a bowl in the other room
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03-15-2010 18:36
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trying to apply for a Unicorn Hunting License for the state of Nebraska....but I guess they were out..........................
Disabled toilets. Ironically, the only toilets big enough to run around in....
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03-15-2010 20:09 by Y.P
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a once your pants catch on fire, the fact that you just lied will become less important.
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03-15-2010 20:17
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Being Single Means An Empty Butter Tub Becomes An Instant Cereal Bowl. Being Single And Drunk Means Not Washing The Butter Tub First.
I think Toyota should take Energizer's slogan, “It keeps going, and going, and going”.
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03-15-2010 21:30
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