Trump loses almost $1 Billion in the 90's and follows the relevant Tax Laws ..... The Nation is Outraged!! .... Hillary can't account for $6 Billion in missing State Department funds during her Tenure as Secretary of State ..... Meh
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08-03-2016 10:55 by
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319 million people in the US and somehow after an exhaustive search we ended up with Trump and Hillary! So .... I guess if you want a leader that is full of corruption and deceit you know which one to vote for. Or vote for the other one.
Club Clinton members are freaking out over Milania Trump moving into the White House, yet they're okay with some gender neutral closet-case using the same restrooms as their daughters.
The Media is now reporting that Christmas is actually a Russian plot hatched by Putin & Trump to lure people into a false sense of Joy. They are urging that we reject any feelings of joy and focus on being angry at the 2016 Election results.