Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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"I see!" says the blind man, as he pisses in the fan, "It all comes back to me now..."
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09-20-2010 22:26
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You don't have to swim faster than the shark, just faster than the guy next to you.
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09-20-2010 22:31
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Everything I ever needed to know I learned by killing smart people and eating their brains.
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09-20-2010 22:33
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a wise monkey never monkeys with another monkeys monkey
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09-20-2010 22:54 by B-Tufts
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Beware of those people who never post any statuses!...Come on now, we all know you're not JUST on fb to play the games, after all that's what a good ole game of solitaire is for.
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09-21-2010 00:14 by AT
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what do a shingle and a fat girl have in common?.......98% chance will be nailed by a mexican.
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09-21-2010 00:17
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if I felt anymore like crap, I'm sure I'd be sitting in a toilet getting ready to be flushed away.
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09-21-2010 01:18 by EmmiKat
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If brains were money you'd have to take out a loan to buy a cup of coffee
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09-21-2010 01:36 by Allison
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Why are some parents hypocritical..."don't lie to me or I'll tell SAnta on you"
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09-21-2010 02:55 by Eddy
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wants to play basketball with the president and dunk on his delegates.
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09-21-2010 04:06 by Mark S
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heard that Thailand has the highest rate of prostitution in the world, but again what dyu expect from a country whose name is "THAI-land", with a capital city named "BANG-KOK" and a tourist destination called "PHUK-ET"!!!
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09-21-2010 06:08
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meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice but falling in love with you I had no control over
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09-21-2010 08:20 by sam rabee
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with the way kids are so HYPER these days, I probably wouldn't have enough patience to be a Kindergarten Teacher...we'd have to play games like DUCT, DUCT, TAPE!

noticed that ever since Susan Boyle confessed her virginity to the world, the Taliban and Al Qaeda have cut back on suicide bombing, knowing now what lies ahead for them.
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09-21-2010 08:42 by Yaj
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some people are so stupid, if their brain was chocolate it wouldn't fill an M&M
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09-21-2010 09:14
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You can't get on your feet until you get off your ass.
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09-21-2010 09:34 by JC
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Don't drink and park. Accidents cause people.
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09-21-2010 09:36 by JC
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the difference between a paycheck and a blowj** is you don't have to beg your wife to blow your paycheck
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09-21-2010 10:41
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Dear person sitting next to me in the stall... I can hear you playing a video game on your Blackberry and it's annoying the crap out of me. Well done!
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09-21-2010 12:22
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zombie proofing the house today.
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09-21-2010 13:06
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