Funny Status Message #31963
X Everything I ever needed to know I learned by killing smart people and eating their brains.

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 51774 They got smart phones, smart cars and all the smart stuff!! when they gonna start making smart people???
- # 22516 Why is it that every gal i'm in touch with these days is so sh*t fo brains??i mean, god,please,get 'Some'body with even half f it. . fine,make her ugly as hell but pls,'Some' brains atleast? beauty and brains don't go together at all,I know now. . . :/
- # 199710 You know in the movie 'Jaws' when everyone is pissed the beaches are closed because the shark keeps killing people, and they know it's killing people, but they go to the beach anyways? This is what we're going through now.
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