Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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You post constant status updates about what TV show you're watching and what you're eating for dinner. You're not allowed to whine when people get excited for football once a week.
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09-15-2010 19:51
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Whenever I get one of those muffled, through-the-purse, four-minute-long voicemail messages where the person thought they hung up but really didn't, I always listen to the entire thing. People do some funny sh*t when they think no one is listening.
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09-15-2010 21:07
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When I have visitors in town, my tour guide instincts kick in and I show them as much as I can. “That's the grocery store I go to.” “I work out there.” “I've made out with a girl on that bench.” “I've peed behind that dumpster." I hope
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09-15-2010 21:14
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Okay, can someone please invent the opposite of a microwave. I need my beer cold, now. And no, the freezer is not fast enough.
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09-15-2010 21:19
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I just watched a show about a person who was addicted to pizza. I believe the technical name for this condition is "normal."
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09-15-2010 21:26
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I can't explain why but whenever I see a blind person, I instinctively refuse to say or do anything to alert them that I'm there. Instead, I stealthily scoot to the side as they pass me. It's what a ninja must feel like all the time.
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09-15-2010 21:28
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Whenever I receive an email from "MAILER-DAEMON" I feel like I should have my inbox blessed by a priest.
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09-15-2010 21:40
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Man you cant be old and have that blue 200 flush cleaner. I have blue ballz now cause they sag so low
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09-15-2010 21:57
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wonders if someone driving a VW bug knows they are causing fistfights wherever they go.
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09-15-2010 22:06 by markf
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I don't know what it is about Snookies face but it makes me wanna take a dump
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09-15-2010 22:57
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I guess the truth really does hurt. Maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle when the seat's missing, but it hurts.
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09-15-2010 23:12 by slimjim
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's mind suffered a mild psychotic episode, will be back as soon as the narcotics kick in ;)
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09-15-2010 23:12 by sven
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Dear Man Next To Me: You might want to turn down your iPod, because everyone in the room can tell you're listening to "Party In The USA" even though you don't think they can.
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09-15-2010 23:13 by tomcall
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gave a pint of blood today... too bad it was at the dentist's office
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09-15-2010 23:17 by jables
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~There are a lot of things you dont know about me facebook..Things you wouldn't understand......Things you couldn't understand........ Things you shouldn't understand.~
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09-15-2010 23:50 by Grapes
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Dear Loreal, your hair coloring products get rid of my gray hair and your cosmetics make me look younger, but tell me what you were thinking when you came up with this self-tanning lotion that makes your skin orange?
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09-15-2010 23:55 by AT
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thinks it is nice when people are at least a little humble, even if it isn't their BEST quality like it is for me.
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09-15-2010 23:58 by AT
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Sorry little boy who came to my door trying to make a better life for yourself, but I will not buy that 7$ candy bar from you when I can get the same candy bar for a buck at the store.
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09-16-2010 00:04 by AT
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So they've sent George Michael to prison. Isn't that like sentencing Vanessa Feltz to eight weeks in a chocolate factory?
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09-16-2010 05:33 by @clarkysj
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would rather check her facebook than face her check book
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09-16-2010 05:56 by Kristin
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