Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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the only difference between a oral thermometer and a rectal thermometer is the taste
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09-15-2010 03:10
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stephen hawking may be a genius, but he is not setting much of an example to kids by just sitting at his computer all day
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09-15-2010 06:58 by alphabits
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Right now my life is like a video game I'm stuck on this level without ne cheat codes
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09-15-2010 07:34
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I also propose that two gay nightclubs be opened next door to the mosque to promote tolerance in the mosque. We could call them "The Turban Cowboy"and "You Mecca Me Hot."
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09-15-2010 08:39 by seanz91
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Interesting NFL fact: Brett Favre is the only active play to be drafted by the Confederate Army and the NFL
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09-15-2010 08:43 by seanz91
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Cell phones are great but I wish people would select better ringtones than, "Ring, ding, dong, Ringer, Ringer, Ding, Ding, Dong..."WTF???
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09-15-2010 09:43 by @Steady
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Do you realize that in about 40-50 years, nursing homes will be filled with old ladies with tramp stamps over their butts? I don't want to even think about the piercings.
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09-15-2010 12:11 by bigedusw
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If I ever saw an amputee getting hanged... I would just start yelling out letters!
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09-15-2010 12:15 by geez
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Wouldn't you think that lego people give the perfect hand jobs!?!?!
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09-15-2010 12:16 by geez
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When in doubt, whip it out..
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09-15-2010 12:30 by Wolf
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Cremation..........think outside the box
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09-15-2010 12:59 by Jeff
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a recent survey has found that most men do not partake in doing Gym, Tan, Laundry (GTL) as ritual before going to an evening event/gala. Adversely, men are apt to remain active in an older tradition spanning many decades... Shave, Shower, Sh-it. (SSS)

When you tell a kid "maybe" all they here is "I swear on my life this will DEF happen!"
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09-15-2010 13:22
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Could you drive any better if I shoved that cell phone up your ass?

In America, you will eventually have a President that used to play Pokemon as a child. Scary.

I bet teaching abstinence in school now days is much easier with the invention of the #FleshLight
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09-15-2010 13:38 by @tejas74
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that a gun in ur pocket...or you just happy to see me? ;)P
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09-15-2010 13:46
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YEP McDonald's has done it AGAIN.....f*cked up ANOTHER order!!
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09-15-2010 13:50
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trying to drown all her troubles, but couldn't get her husband to go swimming.
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09-15-2010 13:54
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I'm not crazy, I've just been in a very bad mood for 26yrs!
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09-15-2010 14:01
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