Funny Status Messages and Tweets
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Celebrate 9/11/2010 by burning a copy of the Patriot Act.

going to spend his cab money on more shots and just get an ambulance home
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09-11-2010 03:54
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Someday, I'd like to take a train across the country.. but they never leave the keys in them.
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09-11-2010 08:46 by Aaron
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wondering why the big uproar about burning Crayons??
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09-11-2010 08:53
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I bet Clint Eastwood uses the most badass denture adhesive available.
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09-11-2010 09:00 by Aaron
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Honestly, I love every single some of you.
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09-11-2010 09:01 by Aaron
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Here's a secret tip for X-files fans: Drink two bottles of vodka. You'll invariably wake up in a strange place with all recollections of the previous nights events mysteriously "erased".

As I was listening to myself sneeze, I realized it sounds like "eh choo" not "ah choo" so maybe my sneeze is Canadian?
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09-11-2010 14:08
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It takes 4 toilet paper rolls to suck all the water out of the toilet. This is also just enough to bring a one year old great joy.

My girl, it's difficult to say what she does....she sells sea shells on the sea shore.
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09-11-2010 15:27 by Aaron
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Most Good People Say: Forgive & Forget, But 9/11 Is Not One Of Those Days That Is Possible...
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09-11-2010 17:03
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the greatest day ever will be when the US decides to nuke the middle East , killing all the camel jockeys

9/11...i thought it was on the 9th of November....i'll never get used the US date thing!
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09-11-2010 17:56
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Holy Wars are just arguments about who has a better imaginary friend.
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09-11-2010 18:17 by Zack
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Today is the day we remember there is evil in the world......
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09-11-2010 18:32
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We stand, we fall, we stand right back up and whoop a$$. Let the innocent souls be felt on this day.
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09-11-2010 18:35
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If only I could get that wonderful feeling of accomplishment without having to accomplish anything.
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09-11-2010 19:26
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Some people live life in the fast lane. You're in oncoming traffic.
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09-11-2010 19:27
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The existence of flamethrowers proves that someone once said, “I want to set those people over there on fire but I'm just not close enough.”
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09-11-2010 19:29
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I now feel old, realizing Nirvana's "Smells like teen spirit" was released 19 years ago.
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09-11-2010 19:30
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