Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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So excited..I just won "the lottery"!! Ouch!! Wait a second, why is everybody in town throwing stones at me?
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08-27-2010 18:52
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This is a test of the Facebook Status Message System. The user of this status has developed this system to keep you informed in the event of an emergency. If this was an actual emergency, I sure as hell wouldn't still be here but running around screamin
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08-27-2010 20:34 by PC
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How did the blond get lipstick on her steering wheel? She tried to blow the horn.
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08-27-2010 21:12 by Tracy
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Booty texts are much better than booty calls. You can send several out at a time and increase your chances!
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08-27-2010 21:36
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likes For ALL You PeOpLe to STOP liking every little THANG on Facebook! on ♥.
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08-27-2010 22:08 by joshua
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Being British is about driving a German car to an Irish pub for Belgian beer, then going home to sit on Swedish furniture, watching American shows on a Japanese TV.
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08-27-2010 23:39 by bman
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just wondering if there's ever been a "hook-up" on "Wife Swap" that ABC just couldn't air! LOL! Wouldn't that be HILARIOUS?!!!=)
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08-27-2010 23:48
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can dance if he wants to. He can leave his friends behind.
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08-28-2010 00:12
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you ever notice that when the bad guy is shooting at Superman, he stands there and lets the bullets bounce of his chest but when they throw the gun, he ducks?
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08-28-2010 04:46 by Karinda
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When I grow up I'd like to be a "Retired Lottery Winner."
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08-28-2010 04:57 by MBH
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hated my many. Confronted my none!

I never thought I would be one of those people who get up early to hit the gym every day. I was right.
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08-28-2010 05:51 by MBH
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While driving I listen to my music fairly loud until the minute I can't find something I'm looking for. Then there must be complete silence in order for me to see.
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08-28-2010 05:53 by MBH
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I noticed a lot of people looking at me today and laughing, so I kept checking my fly to see if it was open. That's all it could possibly be because these cut-off jean shorts are awesome.
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08-28-2010 05:56 by MBH
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I was making dinner when a pan suddenly caught on fire. I don't know which is worse... the fact that I almost set my kitchen ablaze, or the fact that my first reaction was to move my beer to safety.
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08-28-2010 05:59 by MBH
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Of all the advice given to me over the years, "There really is no bad time for a beer" has proved to be the most helpful. Thanks ma.
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08-28-2010 06:03 by MBH
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Finding a wasp in your car is already plenty scary, but I swear the thing was also singing Tupac's "Ambitions of a Rider." Now you're just taunting me, dude.
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08-28-2010 06:33 by MBH
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You know it's too early when you try to put the cereal box in the refrigerator.
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08-28-2010 06:38 by MBH
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"You think you're better than me?" No, I don't fall prey to the notion that one person can be 'better' than another. How good a person is, is completely impossible to quantify. I do think I'm smarter than you, though. And infinitely more awesome.
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08-28-2010 06:47 by MBH
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If you're really curious whether or not you're ugly, just tell a co-worker of the opposite sex that their ass looks really hot when they wear those pants. If he/she reports you for sexual harassment, there's your answser.
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08-28-2010 06:52 by MBH
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