Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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219 facebook friends but only 60 numbers saved in my cell phone am I missing something here? who are these people?
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08-23-2010 19:59
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hey kids.. go back to MYSPACE!!! FB was created for and is for adults ya know...
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08-23-2010 20:13
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says if Rihanna liked the way it hurt, she'd still be with Chris Brown
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08-23-2010 20:44 by Ziado
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My mother sent me a private message on fb, telling me that I shouldn't post things that some people might find offensive. after much soul searching I had to do the right thing, so I unfriended her !
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08-23-2010 21:26
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NFL preseason games are like Cinemax porn. If you haven't seen the real thing in seven months, it gets the job done.
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08-23-2010 21:31 by Leeferd
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I say we should build a Multi-religion facility to appease all religions near the 9/11 site.
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08-23-2010 22:09 by Tracy
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What goes around comes around; wait for revenge, revenge waits for you
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08-23-2010 23:06
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if you cook an egg, won't it kill the salmonella
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08-23-2010 23:09
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wondering what people used to do or how they lived their lives without the I asked Google
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08-23-2010 23:12
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do eggplants have salmenella??
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08-23-2010 23:26
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A male gynecologist is like an auto mechanic who never owned a car!
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08-24-2010 04:51 by @seddy90
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Insomnia: its when you spend your whole night thinking about the next day, days passed, and days to come, and when your out of bed the next day, all you can think about is the bed, the pillow and how to sleep!!
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08-24-2010 05:03
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What doesn't kill you makes you slower. -Ancient Zombie Wisdom
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08-24-2010 06:22
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aside from your face, what is your problem? :D
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08-24-2010 06:46
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talk sh*t again, and its going right back in your mouth.
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08-24-2010 07:10 by ashley
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facebook suggested me and my ex should be friends. Thats like saying to Facebook 'I think you should be friends with Myspace'.
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08-24-2010 07:13 by trickz100
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lets play...." I hope thats chocolate"..

I eat because I'm depressed. I'm depressed because I eat.

says, if Renea would just watch porn with me, she would understand why I made her buy roller skates and why we have 20 gallons of chocolate pudding in the fridge
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08-24-2010 08:20 by otis
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In the past seven days, 1 friend of mine gave birth, 1 buried his father, 1 buried her brother, 1 died, 1 got divorced, 2 got married, 1 quit his job, 1 got fired and 6 celebrated birthdays. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm f*cking exhausted.
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08-24-2010 09:00
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