Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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I've been so busy these last few days that I haven't had any time to study quantum physics. I just can't be everywhere at once.
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06-23-2024 19:37
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make me a discord status for my friends ex. they did a lot of bad stuff like hurting people and wanting e-sex
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06-23-2024 23:27
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Marriage tip: When your wife asks what's on TV, do not say dust.

After A Heavy Night Of Drinking, I Took A Bus Home. That Might Not Be A Big Deal To Some Of You, But It Was The First Time I'd Driven One.
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06-26-2024 12:23
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Q. What as 8 legs, bites, and lives in your butthole? A. A Brown Recluse spider.
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06-26-2024 12:35
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You know, if you name your kid Jeeves. You've pretty much mapped out his career.
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06-26-2024 12:38
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People who work in customer service should be allowed to fight one customer per day.

With all the bioengineering going on, why don't they cross egg-laying chickens with dairy cows? It'd save a step when making French toast.
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06-27-2024 09:28 by MF
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Memorizing pot hole locations is a must where I'm from.

I don't know why hetero guys my age are so down on gays. Most of their wives look like men anyway.
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06-28-2024 06:53
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Ive never seen a Dragon with fruit on it...
I think its a scam by" big fruit " to get more $$$

How to blow a blind date: Look at the menu, make your eyes huge and say, "I think I'll just have some water."
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06-29-2024 19:41
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I still miss that part of 2020 when it was illegal for people to come near me

How did Jesus find guys named: Peter, John, James, Matthew, Andrew, Phillip, Thomas, and Simon in the Middle East?
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06-29-2024 23:24 by BBB
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Today I asked SIRI to recommend an apple product I can afford. She replied Apple Juice.
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06-30-2024 03:39
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Kissing someone while they are asleep is one of the purest displays of love...unless you're in prison.

Women are caring, nurturing, beautiful, sympathetic and loyal. They're also big toddlers who have the demands of three year olds.
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07-02-2024 07:23
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So you unfollowed me on Facebook. You sure showed me.

Well, it's July and almost 100 degrees. Walmart should be putting the Christmas stuff out any day now!

I like to make lists. I also like to leave them on the kitchen counter and then guess what's on the list while I'm in the store.