Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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I don't understand how I feel like crap and am sick all the time when I drink 8 glasses of water a year like they tell us to .
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07-28-2023 02:39
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Foot fetish screw them feet!!!
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07-28-2023 11:11
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Anybody ever find out what the knights in white sat in ?
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07-28-2023 20:46
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Think about this: The most fun part of golf is when it's your turn to hit the ball. So why is it that the more turns you get the less fun you have?
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07-29-2023 11:34
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I'm not sure what Rage Against the Machine is a raging at, but it is probably a printer.
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07-29-2023 16:14
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Hello 911 a straight man is encouraging me to be my best self instead of bringing out the worst in me and idk what to do, send help.
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07-30-2023 16:01 by JCGJ
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Why do gender reveal parties only surprise you with blue or pink? I've never seen anyone reveal the whole rainbow. Aren't people supposedly "born this way" ?
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07-31-2023 12:29 by Eddy
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Pee-Wee Herman died. In lieu of flowers, buy a ticket to the adult movie theater
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07-31-2023 20:05 by Eddy
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One minute you are young and the next minute you are predicting the weather with your bad knee.
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07-31-2023 20:42
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I'm amazed at how some people tend to overthink things without actually being in possession of a brain.
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08-01-2023 08:11 by MickeyF
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Sports Goal celebrations: Basketball: so common it’s boring. Baseball: HR gets you a high-5 Football: endzone tik tok dance so teeny bopper GF can post it Soccer: run, scream, slide, tear shirt off
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08-01-2023 09:19 by RobbieG.
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I went to see Oppenheimer, but the line was really long and I was getting a little hungry, so I went to the Barbie queue.
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08-01-2023 09:29
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Knowledge is knowing that hot peppers are a fruit; wisdom is putting them in a fruit salad.

We went and saw "Oppenheimer" Saturday night and when we left we heard a teenager say,"I liked Batman better!"? WTF did he expect?

They outta line wit these school supply list.
Why my son gotta bring 4 new tires?
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08-02-2023 08:09 by Scorpio60
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At Dairy Queen: Me: Medium Oreo Blizzard please. DQ: You wanna spoon? Me: Sure, when do you get off?
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08-02-2023 09:07 by RobbieG
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As the weekend approaches remember this, " A fine beer may be judged with only one sip, but it's better to be thoroughly sure. ”
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08-03-2023 08:37
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A phone booth was perhaps not the best option for Clark Kent to change into Superman. He always emerged with his underwear on the outside of his outfit.
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08-03-2023 08:50 by MickeyF
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Due to inflation, alien abduction no longer comes with free probes. Humans are required to bring their own probes, or may purchase a probe on board the spacecraft for a moderate fee.
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08-03-2023 09:35
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Someone said: "what night is the dnc swimsuit comp?" I concur. Would love to see AOC in a swimsuit and ball gag. 🤣
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08-04-2023 00:05 by punk
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