trump Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon Donald Trump is realising that words really do matter. He is becoming more Presidential by the day.
←Rate | 11-11-2016 14:17 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Dear Rioters, This is not Toys R Us where you can throw a fit in the aisle until you get the toy you want. This is an ELECTION. Hillary LOST. Chanting Fu#k Trump and burning flags WILL NOT change that. You are only proving WHY t
←Rate | 11-11-2016 14:43 by Mickey Comments (0)  

   messageicon Trump's wives are proof that you do need immigrants for jobs that American's don't want to do.
←Rate | 11-11-2016 15:53 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Melania Trump will be the first foreign-born First Lady. Trump is correct, all the American jobs are going to immigrants!
←Rate | 11-11-2016 16:37 Comments (2)  

   messageicon President Trump shouldn't send Hillary Clinton to prison... He should appoint her as the Ambassador of Libya... You broke it, you bought it!!
←Rate | 11-11-2016 18:53 by M.J. Comments (0)  

   messageicon Why can't Donald Trump be a Lannister? Because he never pays his debts.
←Rate | 11-11-2016 22:00 by Galraedia Comments (0)  

   messageicon The only reason Trump be me president is because your dumb a$$ didn't go vote so shut up!
←Rate | 11-11-2016 23:00 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Why did you go and make Trump President? Now Kanye West has a chance to become president next.
←Rate | 11-11-2016 23:47 Comments (0)  

   messageicon So is every room in a Trump hotel now a presidential suite?
←Rate | 11-12-2016 04:46 by iceqube Comments (0)  

   messageicon BREAKING- the only way Trump is not your president is if you move to another country. See ya! Don't let the Wall hit you on the way out.
←Rate | 11-12-2016 08:13 Comments (1)  

   messageicon Good Lord .... I find it ironic that the people are claiming that Trump will destroy America ..... While they go out and destroy America.
←Rate | 11-13-2016 01:24 Comments (0)  

   messageicon So, Trump tells us to stop harrassing minorities, yesterday, on 60 Minutes. His wish is my command.
←Rate | 11-14-2016 09:24 by Bart Comments (0)  

   messageicon Hillary and Trump are in a boat and it sinks. Who survives? I'd say Hillary. According to Bill, she never goes down.
←Rate | 11-14-2016 09:59 by Comments (0)  

   messageicon Who did you vote for?☐ Clinton ☐ Trump ☑ Vodka
←Rate | 11-14-2016 13:14 by @UncleBSolomon · Comments (0)  

   messageicon The reason Hillary supporters didn't watch the first Trump TV interview, is that they're so slow, it'd take them two hours to watch 60 Minutes.
←Rate | 11-14-2016 22:03 by Fazzella Comments (0)  

   messageicon Joss Weadon is calling for the @ssassination of President Elect Trump ... Hope he realized he just commited a felony offense which is a Class E felony under United States Code Title 18, Section 871.
←Rate | 11-15-2016 14:29 Comments (0)  

   messageicon It's VERY magnanimous of Donald Trump to only take $1 in Presidential salary,, $1 seems Very small,, until you realize that's it's still more than he paid in taxes
←Rate | 11-15-2016 17:39 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon Donald Trump says he's only taking $1.00 a year as President. We could have had Hillary for $.77
←Rate | 11-17-2016 00:50 by boomtastic Comments (0)  

   messageicon Went to Starbucks this morning ordered coffee and told them my name was Trump. When my coffee was ready they started yelling my name. 4 out 5 people in the store started crying. It was hilarious....!!!
←Rate | 11-17-2016 14:37 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Imagine someone trying to assassinate Trump and the secret service having to yell ,Donald Duck
←Rate | 11-17-2016 21:32 Comments (0)  

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