Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
Page: 249 of 6399
Happy Birthday Eastenders! 25 years of bad acting and impossible storylines. And still we're hooked.
Woman talk too much, the good ones, get paid well for it: OPRAH!
called your boyfriend gay and he hit me back with his purse
watched the Olympic snowboard competition last night. Woke up with a sore back.
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02-19-2010 07:12 by marymc
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heard that results of a new study finds that two-thirds of Americans believe that torture is sometimes justified. Ahhh, so that helps explain why The Bachelor is still on the air.
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02-19-2010 07:26 by marymc
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Hey Friday,'re cool and all but...I'm really into your friend Saturday. We have way more fun together. Sorry :(
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02-19-2010 07:45
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thinks that the term “Beauty mark” is just a euphemism for freaky, hairy mole!
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02-19-2010 08:18
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read that during his press conference today, Tiger Woods will not be taking any questions or phone numbers.
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02-19-2010 08:40 by marymc
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wonders if you ever wished your life had a System Restore... or maybe even just a Back Button?
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02-19-2010 08:43 by Paul
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There is still no cure for the common birthday
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02-19-2010 09:15
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Why don't guys like to preform oral sex on a woman the morning after sex? Have you ever tried pulling apart a grilled cheese sandwich?
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02-19-2010 09:24
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Dear IRS: Please cancel my subscription.
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02-19-2010 09:31 by Aaron
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what do you call a gay dinosaur? A mega saur-ass
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02-19-2010 09:31
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Just because you people don't have originality doesn't mean you have to hate on ours. Make your own status you freakin nazi's!
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02-19-2010 09:40
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wondering why if you can flash back to the past, why can't you flash foward to pay day?
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02-19-2010 09:43
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going to Diseny World to play with my Make Believe friends
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02-19-2010 09:50
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*Breaking news*...Tiger woods has crashed his Cadillac into another tree at the dogleg right on his way to the news conference. In a show of bravery during Black History Month, O.J. has picked him up in a White Ford Bronco.
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02-19-2010 09:58 by Pineapple
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just found out that Lindsey Vonn had her gold medal taken away by Obama. The reason is that he is going down hill faster than she did.
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02-19-2010 10:00 by mullerman
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Those candy necklaces are overrated because you end up with all that spit on your neck!!!
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02-19-2010 10:15
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So my buddys status said "Standing on the edge of a cliff." So I poked him. I don't really like him that much.... yeah you know who you are.
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02-19-2010 10:43
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