Funny Status Messages and Tweets

Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.

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   messageicon thinks that thinking about the thoughts of thinking are too thinkable for thoughts to be thought about thinking, I think
←Rate | 09-12-2010 17:58 Comments (0)  

   messageicon No porn music has ever gone "bow-chicks-wow-wow" ever. EVER!
←Rate | 09-22-2010 15:16 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Im gunna make a copy of my facebook and sell it..
←Rate | 10-10-2010 15:06 by Wolf Comments (0)  

   messageicon I still not comfortable with how we spell coffee.
←Rate | 07-20-2020 12:49 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Ah doan care what any of y'all say, ain't no man likes a tattoo on da tiddy.
←Rate | 09-10-2020 08:54 Comments (0)  

   messageicon CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC News and Facebook did to our parents what they said video games would do to us.
←Rate | 11-19-2020 09:16 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I don’t go to Starbucks very often. It’s intimidating. I never know how to order. Last time I ended up with a cup of hot dog water.
←Rate | 02-22-2021 08:59 Comments (0)  

   messageicon TAMPAX is keeping their jobs in America now, too! Trump really must have had to pull some strings to keep them here!
←Rate | 12-03-2016 21:46 by Adam Comments (0)  

   messageicon even my six year old knows you would have to be an immature loser to tweet a complete falsehood about a foe and wait ten days to admit you didn't actually mean what you wrote.
←Rate | 03-13-2017 17:34 Comments (0)  

   messageicon After the President asked for an intelligence audit, the FBI review showed that no signs of intelligence could be found at the White House.
←Rate | 03-19-2017 16:07 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Someone told me to check my White Privilege. I looked and said "Yep. Got it right here."
←Rate | 07-07-2020 23:08 Comments (0)  

   messageicon When asked why he was wearing a tuxedo to his vasectomy. Tyrone said, well if I'm gona be impotent, I might as well look impotent.
←Rate | 03-06-2018 17:32 by Jake Comments (0)  

   messageicon more proof that hot chicks can get away with murder
←Rate | 07-05-2011 15:02 Comments (0)  

   messageicon so many potential future ex girlfirends, so little time.
←Rate | 07-10-2011 07:31 Comments (0)  

   messageicon hates it when I get a chain letter/email and I die the next day.
←Rate | 09-21-2011 04:02 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Just saw the neighbor's little kid trying to put some whipped cream on his pet cat. I'm thinking he overheard something last night he wasn't supposed to
←Rate | 09-25-2011 15:25 by fukdaworld Comments (0)  

   messageicon I can't remember where I put my xanex
←Rate | 04-10-2011 20:37 Comments (0)  

   messageicon just a thought... practice what you preach!!!
←Rate | 01-29-2011 15:11 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Fool people into thinking you actually go outside by updating your Facebook status via your mobile phone
←Rate | 01-29-2011 17:23 by baldy Comments (0)  

   messageicon Will you be my future ex girlfriend?
←Rate | 02-12-2011 05:05 by Sam K Comments (0)  

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