Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Today I saw a sign for a suicide helpline on the back of a bus. I couldn't help but think, it would work much better on the front.
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10-22-2011 14:37 by ff1241
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some song lyrics are just so wrong.. "I drove all night to get to you, is that alright? I drove all night, crept in your room Woke you from your sleep, to make love to you Is that alright?"...No Roy, it was not alright at all!!!
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10-22-2011 14:31 by Memz
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When I see your face, there's nothing that I would change. LOL JK, I'd change the direction I'm walking in.
My mom said to me "Guess whose washing the dishes tonight?!"...I Soulja boyd her & said "YOUUUUUUUUUU!"
"Is there gonna be food?" "Yup!" "Ok I'm on my way"
I hate when I shout the wrong answer out in class with confidence
when I heard Gaddafi was found in a large dirty hole I instantly thought...'what a place to hide: Paris Hilton's private part'!
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10-22-2011 14:18
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having sex is just like playing the drums, the harder you hit the louder they get.
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10-22-2011 14:17
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I just had sex for the first time in long time. So long in fact, that I felt guilty for cheating on my sock.
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10-22-2011 13:55
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Two words that should never be together: Redneck Couture
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10-22-2011 13:49 by Rick H.
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People say "it's always the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep looking after you've found it?
Why do they advertise that something is 'new and improved'. Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it, couldn't be new.
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10-22-2011 13:29
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I hate the people who point at their wrist asking for the time... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is?
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10-22-2011 13:22
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Don't make conclusions when you are not involved. Don't judge others on their mistakes when you are making your own.
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10-22-2011 12:10
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"So cute! Do you think he'd fit in a crock pot?" The people at this dog shelter have like *no* sense of humor.
Stop calling yourself sexy. The only thing you turn on is a microwave.
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10-22-2011 11:35
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Two problems with auto-flushing toilets: A) when they flush before you're done. B) when they don't flush & you can't find the button.
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10-22-2011 11:34
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Falling for you was fun… until I hit the ground
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10-22-2011 11:33
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"Dude she just called you fat!" "OH HELL NO, Hold my cake...and diet coke!"
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10-22-2011 11:25
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Girls, not all guys are jerks... just most of us
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10-22-2011 11:21
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