Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Men are like movies. After 3 plays, you want to return them.

Inventor of Segway drives it off cliff to his death. Bet he wishes he would have invented a hang glider.
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09-27-2010 15:30 by jdpower
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At the Halloween store: the "Slutty Frankenstein" costumes aren't flying off the shelves.
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09-27-2010 15:31 by jdpower
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When there was only one set of footprints, that was when Jesus was flying. What, you don't think Jesus can FLY??
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09-27-2010 15:33 by jdpower
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Seriously, why is Lindsay Lohan's 4th drug test fail helicopter-worthy? At this point the press should be sending scooters.
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09-27-2010 15:34 by jdpower
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Starbucks says that the rising cost of coffee is forcing them to raise prices. Oddly, they never seem to lower them when coffee prices drop
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09-27-2010 15:35 by jdpower
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I'm hearing that the founder of Friendster is donating like $75 to the University of Phoenix.
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09-27-2010 15:37 by jdpower
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Have you ever been to a town so small that when you say, "Hey Bubba"! everyone turns around and waves?
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09-27-2010 15:52
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When someone say "You Changed" that means you are not catering to them any more
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09-27-2010 15:55 by duran fly
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n't it great to live in a society where the penalty for lying to a congressman can be up to 30 years in jail, but the penalty for a congressman lying to you is another two years in office?
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09-27-2010 17:09 by NS
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Bandaids come in two varieties. The kind that won't stay on and the kind that won't come off.

I like holding the door for people who are far away, you know so they have to run a little.

Nobody is perfect, I am Nobody.

Nothing says "I don't have a mode of transportation" like being the dude hugging another dude on the back of a Harley.

Cruel irony: the owner of Segway died in a Segway accident yesterday. Google it, it happened.

I flip that middle finger and that index finger follows. Deuces!
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09-27-2010 18:46
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Road rage and profanity: The breakfast of champions.

Know what I love???? Free handguns and Hard liquor night at the ball park!!! Ton's of fun!
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09-27-2010 19:12
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~I almost made the mistake of doing some cleaning tonight. Luckily I realized Hoarders is on; so there will be no cleaning AND no guilt
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09-27-2010 19:27
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Cause I gave up smokin', Women and drinkin' last night And it was the worst 15 minutes of my life
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09-27-2010 20:12 by cueeball
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