Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Never do anything for money. Unless it's a lot of money. Then do anything.
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09-17-2010 19:37
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I think I could start a pretty successful company that makes nothing but excuses.
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09-17-2010 19:38
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The Wonderbra has truth in advertising. She takes it off, I wonder where the boobs went.
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09-17-2010 19:38
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Don't forget, every hand you shake has recently wiped an ass.
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09-17-2010 19:39
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I sure did waste a lot of time as a kid practicing my autograph.
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09-17-2010 19:40
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I feel like X and Z are the cool letters sitting in the back of the alphabet, only showing up in words they like.
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09-17-2010 19:40
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If you water your lawn and wash your car in the rain, smiling and waving as you do it, your neighbors will leave you alone.
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09-17-2010 19:42
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Someone once said to me "You use to be normal.." I looked behind me and said "Who the hell are you talking to?"
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09-17-2010 20:35
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Man who sneezes without tissue takes matters into own hands.
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09-17-2010 20:48 by Jeff
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Why is it when my friends find out I'm going drinking they always say “drink one for me” NO I'm not gonna drink one for you. If you really one a beer that bad, pay me for it or come with me.
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09-17-2010 20:54
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the best part of baking is licking the bowl.
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09-17-2010 21:37
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Based on my current rate of income, I estimate that I will be able to retire and live comfortably in about 180 years.
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09-17-2010 22:35
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How is taking a chainsaw to a Nissan a quality test? Perhaps the commercial is trying demonstrate rescue tools for emergency personnel to use after an accident.
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09-17-2010 22:42
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someone asked me what CRS was...I couldn't remember
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09-17-2010 22:45 by Carolynn
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Never recycle a past relationship. Because if it didn't work out before, what makes you think it would this time?
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09-17-2010 23:04 by BEGO
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when I would cry as a kid, my sisters would sing..nobody loves me, everybody hates me, I think I'll eat some worms....maybe I should have tried the worms?...nah rather have no friends!
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09-17-2010 23:05
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DAMN you Farkle for temping me to Roll the Dice just one more time!
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09-17-2010 23:14
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sitting on the toilet and a Huge spider walked in under the least I didn't poo my pants
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09-17-2010 23:21
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you know why guns are better the woman? You can put a silencer on a gun
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09-17-2010 23:24 by one
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she would rather be a smartass than a dumbass
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09-17-2010 23:50 by Carolynn
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