Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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A$$ ICONS: (_!_) - Regular A$$ ; (__!__) - Fat A$$ ; ( ! ) - Tight A$$ ; (_*_) - Sore A$$ ; (_o_) - Well used A$$ ; (_e=mc²_) - Smart A$$ !!!!! :D
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09-14-2010 19:31 by KOC
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What's the diference between a woman and a battery? A battery has a positive side.
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09-14-2010 19:41
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It's not that I don't like men..Its just that I think they should drink from separate water fountains..
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09-14-2010 20:20 by Grapes
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i guess its better to be picking daisies than pushing them up
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09-14-2010 21:07
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killing 1 bird with 2 stones
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09-14-2010 21:35
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so the truth come out of its eerie inhabitants
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09-14-2010 21:38
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I hate rich people who think they are above and better than the poor and middle class,hey people when your gone they'll use manure on your grave just like mine
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09-14-2010 21:41
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need advice on how to make a paper cut to the jugular look like an accident.
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09-14-2010 21:47 by Leeferd
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damn wish I didnt take things to literally all the time went to friendly's and the waitress asked if I would like a happy ending
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09-14-2010 21:54
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My mom thinks LOL stands for "Lots Of Love" and texted me "Your Grandma just died. LOL"
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09-14-2010 22:03
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I never understood why guys always have their hands down their pants. Then last night I found myself watching TV with my hand in my bra. It finally occurred to me...when you've got something great, you want to hold onto it.
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09-14-2010 22:20
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you move on because theres nothing else you can do
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09-14-2010 22:39 by xx
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If he was stupid enough to walk away, be smart enough to let him go
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09-14-2010 22:40 by xx
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sometimes You'll blame a new love for things an old one did.
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09-14-2010 22:46
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The fact that I have a Southern accent, doesn't make me stupid.
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09-14-2010 22:57
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You know you're a mother when you hide in the bathroom to be alone!
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09-15-2010 00:57 by gb
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A man gets on a plane with 6 kids. The flight attendant asks, "Are these your kids?" The man replies, "No, I work for Trojan and these are customer complaints!"
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09-15-2010 01:02 by Jeff
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I really hope I don't get abducted by aliens. I haven't learned to speak Spanish yet!

how can the world end in 2012 if I have a yogurt that expires is 2013?
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09-15-2010 01:27
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Setting a trap for the tooth fairy. chalk, string, duct tape and a little dynamite. theif should of gave me more than $1 for my tooth.....she's toast.
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09-15-2010 03:07 by @trevdon
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