Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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I just saw a commercial for Oprah's Farewell Season. I think I may jump for joy!!
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09-03-2010 08:58 by JRF
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if ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?
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09-03-2010 09:31 by PW
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addicted to counseling, I need counseling
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09-03-2010 09:32 by Goodest
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I wish I had one of those Looney Toon Hammers to snooze my freaking alarm clock... Shut The F!#$ Up!!!
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09-03-2010 09:41 by Steady!!!
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I woke up this morning to find 2 beautiful girls and my husband staring at me. I felt like prey for a brief moment.
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09-03-2010 09:54 by JRF
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"W", pronounced "double U", looks like "double V", this is the $hit I think about!!!
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09-03-2010 10:20
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Doesn't get jealous when she sees her exes withe someone else, because her parents always told her to give her used toys to the less fortunate
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09-03-2010 10:51
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ben rothlisberger's suspension reduced to 4 games ..he is going to celebrate tonioght at a sorority party!
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09-03-2010 12:10
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When I grow up, I want t be a weather man so I can be wrong every day and STILL make the big bucks!
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09-03-2010 12:29
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Wondering why The Muppets have large protruding eyes. But then again, I realised that if I had a hand up my bum, my eyes would probably protrude too.

Uh oh! The first signs of Fall. Cool weather and falling leaves. Hurry! Jump into your nearest relationship, which will end at the first signs of Spring.
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09-03-2010 12:38 by Q
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's school bus was so short, they had to put two fat kids in the back to keep it from tipping forward.
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09-03-2010 12:53 by chuckg
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Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
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09-03-2010 12:56 by penanco
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Do you ever log on to Facebook just to spend 3 hours checking other people's profile just to see their recent activities?
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09-03-2010 12:58
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not responsible for LMAO's that actually cause ur ass to fall off. Or LOL's that cause you being arrested 4 laughing too loud. Or people that are "dying laughing" I am not responsible for... funeral fees. With that being said. Enjoy my wall.
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09-03-2010 14:12 by Romeo
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Should we REALLY put labels on paint cans warning people that eating it could kill them? I mean, should we TRY to save anyone who would make a conscious decision to eat paint?
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09-03-2010 14:22
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Stephen Hawking says there is no God. I guess that A-Hole has never eaten at the Cheesecake Factory
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09-03-2010 17:10 by KOC
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there needs to be a new traffic light color. something like blue that means 'hey idiot, stop texting the lights about to turn Green'
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09-03-2010 18:20 by Bruno
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I want a job in construction. I want to apply to be that guy who is never doing anything when you drive by slowly because they are merging lanes. this guy can usually be seen holding a cigarette and wearing his football teams logo on his hard hat
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09-03-2010 18:30 by Bruno
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"I have to cut down on my friends so I may have to delete some of you". you mean I don't have to read your 'ugh its Monday' or 'blah blah hump day' or 'tgif' posts anymore? Well, let me make a preemptive strike on that.
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09-03-2010 18:35 by Bruno
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