Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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I wonder how stupid people knew they were being stupid before the slap to the back of the head was invented?
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08-25-2010 12:50 by MBH
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Sometimes late at night I rearrange traffic signs. People need to be challenged.
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08-25-2010 12:51 by MBH
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If you can't say something nice, we're probably related.
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08-25-2010 12:53 by MBH
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MTV has 'My Super Sweet 16' and 'When I Was 17.' What's next? 'Officer, I swear I thought she was 18?!'
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08-25-2010 12:56 by MBH
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Sometimes all I'm really doing with my life is just trying to make it from one weekend to the next.
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08-25-2010 13:13 by MBH
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Lays is making new diet potatoe chip.....semen flavor... 97.8 percant of women spit them back out
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08-25-2010 13:56
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Life is like a giant clogged up toilet If only someone was able to fix it...
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08-25-2010 14:14
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Susan Boyle sings: "Wild Horses couldn't drag me away."Maybe not, but it looks like they gave it a f**king good go, eh Susan?
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08-25-2010 14:24 by T-dawg
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goodnight Mary Jane smoke you in the morning.
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08-25-2010 14:38 by June B
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Any boy can be a dad but only a real man can be a father
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08-25-2010 14:40
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Fun idea: No kids? Hire a babysitter anyway, say kid is asleep upstairs and not to be woken. When you get home later that evening, go mental and ask where the child has gone.
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08-25-2010 15:16 by MBH
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Condoms hidden, plates and dishes washed, toilet tissue put in dispenser, fruits bought, bed made, bathtub washed, house cleaned and vacuumed, gospel music playing, TV turned on to CNN. MY PARENTS ARE VISITING IN AN HOUR AM SET!!
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08-25-2010 15:25
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What a loser I must be, I didn't even qualify to take a freaking free survey
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08-25-2010 16:31
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the man from nantucket.
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08-25-2010 16:31
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running out of excuses for the stupid things I do. Please submit suggestions below.
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08-25-2010 16:44 by Hot Tea
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Support the fine arts, shoot a rapper.

Some call it stalking. I call it love.

if you get your information from Oprah, don't talk to me
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08-25-2010 17:20
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why don't sheep shrink when it rains?
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08-25-2010 17:31 by L
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Never go to bed angry - Stay awake and plot your revenge!
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08-25-2010 18:13
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