Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Hey, candy bar companies: My bite size far exceeds your pathetic estimates.
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08-22-2010 18:21 by MBH
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There are few things in life more relieving than having a cop turn off the road after following you for an extended period of time.
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08-22-2010 18:24 by MBH
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Look, you idiot cat, if you don't want me to rub your belly then quit rolling around and exposing it to me. Quit biting me.
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08-22-2010 18:27 by MBH
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Yes, cute waitress, I just took a bite big enough to choke an ox, now is the perfect time for you to ask me how everything is.
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08-22-2010 18:28 by MBH
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Thanks for the passive aggressive facebook status about me, but I'm taking the passively passive approach by not caring.
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08-22-2010 18:30 by MBH
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People who win the lottery always say something like, "I never imagined it would happen to me." Bullshi*t, everyone imagines winning the lottery!
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08-22-2010 18:34
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I don't care how bad I have to go, I will hold it until I'm clocked back in after lunch. If I have to be here, you WILL pay me to use the bathroom.
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08-22-2010 18:35 by MBH
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Spiders should be required to keep proof of all the insects they've killed so when I find them in the house I can decide whether to leave them alone, move them outside, or flatten them with extreme prejudice.
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08-22-2010 18:37
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If all of the whitening brightening toothpaste I used delivered, my teeth would now be fluorescent.
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08-22-2010 18:38 by MBH
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Today my friend told me that she's "addicted" to running. The only way I'm becoming "addicted" to running is if I'm also "addicted" to being chased by wild animals or the cops.
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08-22-2010 18:43 by MBH
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My brain hurts from all the serious issues being discussed on "Fox News"... I think I'll turn the tv to "CNN" for a little comic relief
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08-22-2010 19:01 by Billy
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is You do realixe that by taking the time to read this status update you have just waisted like 30 seconds of your life. Pressing the 'Like" button will make it 31.
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08-22-2010 19:07 by JessLayne
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"always on your mind" and if I wasn't before I am now.
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08-22-2010 19:09 by JessLayne
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My friend, Eddie, spends several hours a day lubricating an old bench clamp... It's one of his many vices.
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08-22-2010 19:13 by Tom
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got a job...single mother and can't even get help from the government because I make $100 too much...might as well be on welfare!
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08-22-2010 19:41
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thinking of adding you to his to-do list.
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08-22-2010 19:52 by ANGELA
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sad no one wished her a happy birthday today, which isn't too surprising since its not her birthday
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08-22-2010 20:37
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Thinks it is pathetic that I walk into a restaurant and half the couples are not even talking to each other but texting on their smart phones. Crap, brb, my wife is bugging me about something....
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08-22-2010 21:23
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I always feel like a domestic God after watching Hoarders.
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08-22-2010 21:55 by Jeff
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watching reruns of the Biggest Loser and eating a bag of Oreos.
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08-22-2010 23:06
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