Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda? He was lucky it was a soft drink.
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08-21-2010 20:33
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If you leave alphabet soup on the stove and go out, it could spell disaster.
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08-21-2010 20:37
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thinkin'....HEY! Guy on the Orajel commercial...Orajel is not to be substitued for seeing an 'actual' dentist....if your tooth is achin' for that long... it's probably rotting out of your mouth...and you might need to get that checked out....
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08-21-2010 21:34
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is thinkin'....Hey Charmin...I'm not a family and I DON'T get toilet paper stuck on our butts when we wipe....can you PLEASE think of a new ad campaign.... No. For Real. This one sucks...and it's starting to make me boycott EVER buying Charmin.
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08-21-2010 21:35
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aww, I feel really bad, I was sitting in the club havn a drink with some friends and a random girl tried chatting me up, all I said to her was ''would you like some face with your make up''....haha was funny though! Oi cake face!! Haha
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08-21-2010 22:55
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says, When Ronald Reagen was president we had Bob Hope and Johnny Cash. Now it's ONLY Obama with NO Hope and NO Cash.....!!!!
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08-22-2010 00:01
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I'm embarrassed that I can't last very long when using the Shake Weight.
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08-22-2010 00:36 by Aaron
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Every since I bought this shake weight . I'm putting way too much salt on my food!!
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08-22-2010 01:26 by Jeff
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i hate when I drive behind someone at the mall and they just walk to their car sit inside put in on reverse and never pull out untill I drive off
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08-22-2010 02:58
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This day has been pointless… Kinda like Halle Berry topless in ‘Swordfish'….. Pointless!
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08-22-2010 03:57 by BJLW
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cab companies, do you want to make the experience more enjoyable for your customers? Please install Glade air fresheners with a spray frequency of 5 seconds. Its unfair that we should pay to endure Parapithecus's BO.
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08-22-2010 08:19
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Has been watching your whole life ................. so don't even think about it !
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08-22-2010 09:27 by Logan
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Wake and Bake, that's the only way to enjoy a Sunday.
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08-22-2010 10:29
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ex girlfriend just told me that my immaturity erected a barrier between us...I have no idea what she's talking about, but its so funny that she said erected.

not mean. He/She just wasn't born with enough middle fingers to get his/her point across.
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08-22-2010 12:01 by Shocker
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Out of a million voices I want to be the one that is heard.
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08-22-2010 13:36 by cb96
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My therapist once told me, "Sarah, no one is taking advantage of you." Feeling a bit better I asked how much was the co-pay. He said "I don't know how much do you got?"

DINGLE BERRY: A small piece of poo clinging for dear life on the ass hair like it's the gym rope.
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08-22-2010 14:34
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BONG: what you put the flowers in when then cops drive by. lol
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08-22-2010 14:35
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always right and never wrong. The only time I thought I was wrong was when I thought I was wrong but I wasn't - I was right!!
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08-22-2010 14:35 by @clarkysj
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