Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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The bad news is many earthquakes in California have caused severe property damage. The good news is on the days that they hit, bowling scores are at their highest ever!
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07-07-2024 06:31
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I have to make it to heaven, I want to see Circuit City and Blockbuster again.

Ever spent money so quickly that you felt like somebody stole it?

If we tell people the brain is an app, maybe they’ll start using it.
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07-10-2024 06:32
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After 40 years of marriage will gay guys call their spouse the old balls and chain?
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07-10-2024 09:17 by Yoda
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Always hated going to doctor’s even when I’m at my sickest .. not that I don’t trust them … I just don’t feel like paying em!

This recipe calls for leftover bacon… Might as well be asking for dragon tenderloin or Bigfoot steaks… jest sayin
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07-11-2024 11:50 by Yoda
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If you identify as non-binary I want you to answer this question with a yes or no only: Do your parents know you're an imbecile?
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07-11-2024 13:56
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The difference between jam and jelly is I can't jelly my dong in my wife's blow hole.
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07-12-2024 04:23
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You older women who are impressed that 25 year olds are attracted to you... Newsflash: 25 year olds would sleep with a bottle of Mrs. Butterworth's Syrup if they could get her legs open.
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07-12-2024 04:57 by MF
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Whoever came up with the phrase "The freaks come out at night" has clearly never been to Walmart during the day.

Just once in my life, I'd actually like to see a liar's pants catch on fire.

If the girl don't Hucktuah,you don't need to talktuah!
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07-13-2024 13:05
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Jim Morrison was right. People are strange.

If I block you on social media and you see me in public, the block still applies in real life.

Ear today. Gone tomorrow.
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07-16-2024 10:03
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Welcome to social media! A person who does not understand humor will contact you shortly.

We need gun control we almost lost Trump
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07-17-2024 08:41 by JOEBiden
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Amazon Prime day is the equivalent to Scholastic Book Day when I was in school! Damn I'm old!

What do I like most about my job? Payday, breaks and leaving.