Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
Page: 6357 of 6408

Dear Black Friday: We all have big screen tvs. Put those groceries on sale.

Marriage tip: If your wife won't let you play games with the boys at night, do something to make her mad. That way she tells you to sleep on the couch. That way you can play games with the boys at night.

I bought a 15 pound turkey yesterday. He's fun to have around but he's kind of noisy.
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11-19-2023 13:01
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A group of Karens was having lunch at a fancy cafe. When they were done eating the waiter came over and asked "Was anything OK?"
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11-19-2023 16:25
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Pro Tip: Never make snow angels in a Dog Park.
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11-19-2023 19:14
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Why do we say "half a dozen" when it is easier to say "six"?
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11-20-2023 11:54
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Not a lot of great things listed in Craigslist free section today. Unless any of you guys would like a slightly used mattress for Christmas?
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11-20-2023 14:24
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Gobble till you wobble!
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11-22-2023 11:41
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11-24-2023 16:50
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11-25-2023 12:03 by Leroy
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Them: What kind of person are you? Me: I'm a place or thing, thank you.

90% of all electrical vehicles are still on the road today. The other 10% made it all the way home.

If anyone’s wondering what to get me this year all I want for Christmas is summer.
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11-27-2023 17:47
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They opened a restaurant on the moon. Great food, but no atmosphere.

There 492 billionaires in the United States, and not one of those losers has decided to become Batman
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11-29-2023 10:19 by RobbieG
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buttcheeks one word or do you have to separate them?
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11-30-2023 08:04
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Natalie woods told Robert Wagner,
"You haven't got me wet in years",
he said, "oh yeah,
watch this".

How much does Santa pay to park his sleigh? Nothing it’s on the house!
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12-01-2023 00:52
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I left my heart in San Francisco. Last I heard it was living in Tent City with a pimp named Tiny Johnson.
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12-01-2023 08:57
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My parents have been attending their own personal Ugly Christmas Sweater Party every holiday season since 1984.