Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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She has a body like baywatch but a face like crime watch.
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08-17-2023 14:29
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If adult diapers are called Depends, then baby diapers should be called Definitely.
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08-17-2023 15:39
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To whomever hacked my phone and saw the naked pictures of me... Sorry, but That's what you get.
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08-17-2023 15:43
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'We've all bet on a fart and lost' is the best example of the Human condition I ever heard

Wrinkled Was Not One of the Things I Wanted to Be When I Grew up.
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08-18-2023 10:09 by RobbieG
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What's the difference between Iron Man and Iron woman? One's a super hero and the other is a simple command.

The older you get the happier you are for minor things. I just wanted to brag that I typed "license" on my first try and didn't get tagged by spell check.
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08-20-2023 15:35
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I've reached the age where I appreciate a nice handrail.
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08-21-2023 04:02
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Doctors and scientists agree on the benefits of an afternoon nap, yet still my boss thinks he knows better. Ridiculous.
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08-21-2023 09:23 by RobbieG
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Take your age and add 5 years to it. That's how old you'll be in 5 years.
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08-22-2023 18:22
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If you have enough leather watches, you can buckle them all together and make a belt, but that would be a waist of time.
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08-22-2023 21:12
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If genitals don't define gender, how does removing them affirm it?
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08-23-2023 07:42
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What is the noise you hear when it’s really quiet?
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08-24-2023 00:35
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The way I just scratched my back on the corner of the wall, leads me to believe I would have been an above average stripper.
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08-24-2023 09:17 by RobbieG
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Disney World is a lot like Viagra. They both make you wait an hour for a two minute ride.
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08-24-2023 12:04
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I can't understand why women are okay that JCPenney has an older women's clothing line named, "Sag Harbor."
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08-24-2023 12:06
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There'd be no reason to see a doctor if WebMD gave out prescriptions.
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08-24-2023 12:07
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The worst marketing blunder in history was not putting cassette decks in cell phones.
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08-24-2023 13:20
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Social Networking: Facebook has degraded to displaying women's behinds playing golf and bowling?
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08-25-2023 06:37 by M
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Little people gets paid under the table
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08-25-2023 09:54
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