Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Great job keeping crap out of my eye, eyelash that's currently in my eye.
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10-03-2022 09:10
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Why bother drinking water? You're just gonna pee it out. This is what Big Water doesn't want you to know.
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10-03-2022 10:08
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Talking to some people is as frustrating as trying to eat applesauce with chopsticks.
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10-04-2022 06:46 by UrMom
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I get my exercise by pushing the limits of those around me.
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10-04-2022 06:47 by UrMom
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Find a girl that takes care of you, like the press takes care of Joe Biden.
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10-04-2022 19:40 by 740MM
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Dear YouTube: Just because I watched one video on how to change the oil in my car does not mean I want to watch a thousand other videos just like it. -Me
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10-06-2022 08:07
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Don't let a gerbil talk you into anything you don't want to do

Spotted a house tonight with their Christmas lights already up in October and can only imagine that they work for Walmart.
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10-08-2022 01:05
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You know you are working too hard when you go to make a call from your home telephone and first dial 9.
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10-08-2022 06:05
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Jeffrey Dahmer's bologna had a first name ,
it was Steven !

Yeah. It's OK for you to call my pets "Fur Babies" but if I call your kid a "Skin Dog" you get angry.
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10-08-2022 22:06
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I called the fire dept to get my cat out of a tree and they said they don’t do that so I told them them he had a lighter.
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10-09-2022 06:32
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Thinking about the time I bought 90s CDs in goodwill, only to come out to my car and realize I don’t even have a CD player…
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10-09-2022 06:36
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I would learn how to backflip but i’m saving spinal injuries for after i’m 60
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10-09-2022 06:37
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I get it roosters, I scream when I wake up in the morning too
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10-09-2022 06:39
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Back in the day, we didn’t have google just a drunk uncle.
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10-09-2022 06:39
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I asked my girlfriend to meet me at the gym. She never showed up. I knew right then we weren’t going to workout.
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10-09-2022 06:46
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God please let me find $80,000 on the floor today
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10-09-2022 06:53
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Inflation has gotten so bad, the 7-Eleven changed its name to the 9-Thirteen.
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10-09-2022 07:20
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If batman and catwoman had a kid it would be batcat or the "less popular" manwoman.
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10-09-2022 19:03 by Person
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