Monday Funny Status Messages
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Not looking forward to the end of the world sat..should be on a monday..
I think I'm going to call in raptured to work on monday
Why is that the world is always going to end on a weekend? Why not Monday morning, ideally before I have to get up and go to work?
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05-19-2011 11:54
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Y couldn't judgement day begin on Monday!? why did it had to ruin my weekend!?
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05-20-2011 12:38
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Some idiots actually sold their homes and properties thinking the world was really going to end! What losers. I hope my boss gives me my job back on Monday.
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05-21-2011 21:09 by BRian
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Yep, I didn't get any unwanted fathers day cards yesterday!!!! HAPPY MONDAY :D
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06-20-2011 09:19 by Logan
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I say "Monday" like "Jerry Seinfeld says "Newman!"
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06-20-2011 10:05 by Mike M
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Just reminding everyone that it's Monday, just in case any of you were feeling overly optimistic.
You are like Monday...nobody likes you!
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06-27-2011 03:52
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Daily log Monday morning, 9:49am: I have decided I am done trying until Friday night, I've already been here too long this week.
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06-27-2011 09:49
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Monday, quit being such a ba$+ard.
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06-27-2011 12:40
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The Royal Couple will be in the U.S. on Friday. Isn't that ironic? We spent Monday celebrating the day we threw the British out, and on Friday we're letting them back in.
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07-06-2011 23:38
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always gives 100% at work...25% Monday, 15% Tuesday, 5% Wednesday, 3% Thursday, 2% Friday and 50% sleeping throughout
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07-08-2011 16:25
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You guys mind if I get this out of the way a little early? Thanks. Dear Monday, I hate you.
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07-10-2011 18:05 by Mick F
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entrepreneurship - only cure for monday morning blues..!!
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07-11-2011 04:14
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A lot of people constantly complain about Monday's, Tuesday's and Wednesday's being the worst part of the week, I have discovered that with the right mix of Jack Daniels and sleeping pills those days no longer have to happen.
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07-19-2011 11:58 by SEAN
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It sucks that Saturday is so close to Monday. But Monday is far away from Saturday.
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07-31-2011 10:40
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The toughest activity of a week starts right from Monday morning....its called "Waking Up"
Will be open for Flirting from 8pm - 2am, Monday - Sunday.
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08-02-2011 15:26
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Monday sounds alot like "Mundane"...just sayin...:(
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08-08-2011 09:28 by punkie
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