Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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I propose we plug the Gulf oil leak with BP executives.
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05-26-2010 00:00 by jdpower
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Dont you hate it when Madonna steals you from an african village!
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05-26-2010 00:30
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Seriously... Something to do before 2010 is over. Come out of the closet. Everyone's got the gaydar on you already. (It will only hurt a little!) ;)
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05-26-2010 00:32 by BONNIE
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If uve ever noticed this notice you will probably notice that this notice was not worth noticing.......:P
My first laptop was an Etch-A-Sketch.
Facebook is the only place where its acceptable to talk to a wall
Jogging backwards because I'm trying to gain a little weight
Next person who says "it's not the heat, it's the humidity" will learn that it's not my fist, but the impact.
Divorce: When your wife stops screwing you, and her lawyer starts
The "Oprah Winfrey show" ends in 2011. No wonder the Americans think the world will end in 2012.
Why does Facebook ask what's on my mind...I am a male of the species so it should be bloody obvious!
prays to God "Give us Michael Jackson back, take Justin Beiber instead"
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05-26-2010 02:21 by Hunk
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You know you're getting old if you look at an iPad and think "doesn't that look like an Etch-a-Sketch?"
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05-26-2010 03:03 by Craneman
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Did you hear about the Chinese parents who gave birth to a retarded baby? They named him "Sum Ting Wong."
If you don't like the way I drive, you can either sit in the seat next to me and encourage me forward while holding on, you can sit in the back seat and STFU, or you can get the fook out.
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05-26-2010 03:41
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Dear god, please can we swap Justin Beiber for someone with some actual talent?.. say Michael Jackson would be good...
Know how to tell when a woman says something smart? When she starts her sentence with "Once a man told me"
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05-26-2010 07:28
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Wants to thank BP. Now I can wash and oil my lettuce at the same time
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05-26-2010 10:28
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BREAKING NEWS! Private IMs of Top BP Engineer released! BP-1: Nothing is working. Any more ideas? BP-2: What if we build a large wooden badger?
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05-26-2010 12:17 by PaulG
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I've been spending so much time on Facebook, that I forgot the internet has porn.
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05-26-2010 13:43
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