Lemonpillow Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon In just two days, tomor­row will be yes­ter­day!
←Rate | 03-15-2010 15:07 by lemonpillow Comments (0)  

   messageicon ..is off to spend some quality time with her gf. Be back in two minutes! :-)
←Rate | 03-16-2010 04:41 by Lemonpillow Comments (0)  

   messageicon You never really learn how to swear until you begin to drive.
←Rate | 03-16-2010 08:46 by Lemonpillow Comments (0)  

   messageicon They say that three out of four Americans have a mental illness of some kind. Look at three of your friends. If they seem okay,then you're that person.
←Rate | 03-16-2010 13:18 by Lemonpillow Comments (0)  

   messageicon If Polygram records,Warner Bros,and Keebler merged would the company be called Poly-Warner-Cracker?
←Rate | 03-16-2010 13:22 by Lemonpillow Comments (0)  

   messageicon We are all time travelers moving at the speed of exactly 60 minutes per hour.
←Rate | 03-16-2010 15:24 by lemonpillow Comments (0)  

   messageicon St. Patricks Day. The only time of the year when people are proud of having a bit of Irish in them.
←Rate | 03-17-2010 04:53 by Lemonpillow Comments (0)  

   messageicon it just me, or are 80% of the people in the “people you may know” feature on facebook people that you do know, but deliberately choose not to be friends with?
←Rate | 03-17-2010 15:20 by lemonpillow Comments (9)  

   messageicon I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask "Mother,what was war?" -Eva Merriam.
←Rate | 03-17-2010 17:34 by lemonpillow Comments (1)  

   messageicon When people say they've "tied the knot",they mean they got married. Or tied a knot around their neck. Which is the same thing anyways.
←Rate | 03-17-2010 23:46 by Lemonpillow Comments (0)  

   messageicon Recently, my Visa card was stolen. Now, it's 'everywhere I want to be'.
←Rate | 03-18-2010 16:16 by lemonpillow Comments (4)  

   messageicon A foolish man tells a woman to stop talking. A wise man tells her that her mouth is extremely beautiful when her lips are closed.
←Rate | 03-18-2010 16:17 by lemonpillow Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'm no psychologist, but I'm pretty sure the only way to alleviate the guilt of eating a peanut butter cup is by eating 15 more.
←Rate | 03-18-2010 17:30 by lemonpillow Comments (0)  

   messageicon If God meant me to be naked, he would have made my skin fit better.
←Rate | 03-19-2010 15:32 by lemonpillow Comments (0)  

   messageicon Well, I see no one turned up for the first day of ninja school... Or did they?
←Rate | 03-20-2010 03:56 by lemonpillow Comments (0)  

   messageicon If I had a nickel for every time I've misplaced my keys, there'd be a jarful of money I would also have to look for.
←Rate | 03-20-2010 03:57 by lemonpillow Comments (5)  

   messageicon Wow, it's beautiful outside. I should probably do something. Like close the blinds so there isn't a glare on my screen.
←Rate | 03-20-2010 14:26 by lemonpillow Comments (0)  

   messageicon Hamsters are really stupid, but, I'm the girl spending money to keep one housed and fed, so, there you go.
←Rate | 03-21-2010 04:37 by lemonpillow Comments (0)  

   messageicon My baby just did something so smart that I'm thinking of ordering a maternity test
←Rate | 03-21-2010 12:31 by lemonpillow Comments (8)  

   messageicon ..thinks having bags under your eyes is no big deal. It's finding the shoes to match is the real problem!
←Rate | 03-22-2010 10:54 by Lemonpillow Comments (10)  

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