Funny Status Messages and Tweets

Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.

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   messageicon it's also Enunciate, not ANnunciate. ;)
←Rate | 01-27-2010 18:06 Comments (0)  

   messageicon this is an apology to one of my friends-a Cowboys fan!I do realise you are a true fan and you were explaining their talents -but when I said I hadn't seen a Cowboy choke like that since Brokeback Mountain - I was being sincere!!
←Rate | 01-27-2010 17:23 Comments (0)  

   messageicon If you and I woke up in jail together, using only FOUR words, what would you say to me? Copy & paste this in your status and see what your friends would say.
←Rate | 01-27-2010 17:15 Comments (0)  

   messageicon '̿'̿̿\̵͇̿̿\з=(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿'̿ ̿
←Rate | 01-27-2010 17:07 by Jenna Comments (0)  

   messageicon needs to rent a Toyota for a few days, so he has a good excuse of why he's been running over people he doesn't like....damn sticky accelerator.
←Rate | 01-27-2010 17:07 Comments (0)  

   messageicon wants to remind all you out there that the proper way to annunciate it is "ValentiNes day" - not valentiMes day
←Rate | 01-27-2010 16:42 by Yaj Comments (0)  

   messageicon iPad...for when you have your iPeriod
←Rate | 01-27-2010 16:39 by Vitamin N Comments (0)  

   messageicon apple today announced the Ipod for senior citzens ....... its like the Ijitterbug
←Rate | 01-27-2010 16:37 Comments (0)  

   messageicon thinks the iPad is about as anti-climactic as Obama's first year in office
←Rate | 01-27-2010 15:41 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Adults do have cooties..........We call it STD's
←Rate | 01-27-2010 15:39 by lemmonpillow Comments (0)  

   messageicon Supports Bacteria - they're the only culture some people have.
←Rate | 01-27-2010 15:27 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Just saw a commercial with Billy Mays. He must have the same agent as Tupac and Osama bin laden.
←Rate | 01-27-2010 15:20 by @HumbleFighter Comments (0)  

   messageicon I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. Which means I have nineteen hours to do six months of flossing.
←Rate | 01-27-2010 14:11 by lemonpillow Comments (0)  

   messageicon wants an iPad! Not crazy about the name though...sounds too much like an electronic feminine hygene product
←Rate | 01-27-2010 13:56 Comments (0)  

   messageicon will wait for Apple to unveil the more powerful version: the maxiPad.
←Rate | 01-27-2010 13:56 Comments (0)  

   messageicon If sugar cookies are made with sugar, chocolate chip cookies are made with chocolate chips, what are Girl Scout cookies made with?
←Rate | 01-27-2010 13:34 Comments (0)  

   messageicon if corn oil is made from corn, vegtable oil made from vegetables, what is baby oil made from?
←Rate | 01-27-2010 13:34 Comments (0)  

   messageicon A baby-sitter is a teenager acting like an adult while the adults are out acting like teenagers
←Rate | 01-27-2010 13:28 Comments (0)  

   messageicon What do you get when you cross PMS with a GPS? A bi*ch who will track you down
←Rate | 01-27-2010 13:25 Comments (0)  

   messageicon believes NASA could help erase some of the national debt by charging to take people up in the shuttle that need to discover the world doesn't revolve around them.
←Rate | 01-27-2010 12:13 by dcarver Comments (0)  

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