Funny Status Messages and Tweets

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   messageicon tried to join a Tourette's support group, but they told me to piss off
←Rate | 07-20-2010 22:20 by charliebarley Comments (0)  

   messageicon wondering if Jewish doctors get paid for doing circumcisions, or just get to keep the tips.
←Rate | 07-20-2010 22:20 by kittykat Comments (0)  

   messageicon discovered today that when a police officer says, "Ma'am, your eyes look red. Have you been drinking?", you should never respond with "Officer, your eyes look glazed. Have you been eating doughnuts?"
←Rate | 07-20-2010 22:19 by kittykat Comments (0)  

   messageicon had some Korean meatballs last night. They were the dog's bollocks.
←Rate | 07-20-2010 22:16 by kittykat Comments (0)  

   messageicon once read a book about anti-gravity. I just couldn't put it down.
←Rate | 07-20-2010 22:13 by kittykat Comments (0)  

   messageicon My boyfriend told me that he was seeing someone else because he was fed up with my bad habits. I nearly choked on my toenail.
←Rate | 07-20-2010 22:13 by kittykat Comments (0)  

   messageicon kind of surprised I'm not an action figure by now.
←Rate | 07-20-2010 22:12 by kittykat Comments (0)  

   messageicon hates it when old relatives come up to you at weddings and say, "You'll be next, dear". I'm sure they wouldn't be too impressed if I started saying that to them at funerals.
←Rate | 07-20-2010 22:11 by kittykat Comments (0)  

   messageicon thinks a city built on rock 'n roll would be structurally unsound.
←Rate | 07-20-2010 22:10 Comments (0)  

   messageicon just had a bunch of underwear stolen. Cops are making a brief inquiry.
←Rate | 07-20-2010 22:10 by kittykat Comments (0)  

   messageicon thinks that 99% of the people in this world are complete morons. It's a good job I'm in the other 2%.
←Rate | 07-20-2010 22:08 by kittykat Comments (0)  

   messageicon fired her masseuse today. She just rubbed me the wrong way.
←Rate | 07-20-2010 22:07 by kittykat Comments (0)  

   messageicon discovered last weekend that if you play a Nickelback album backwards, you hear satanic messages. What's even worse is, if you play it forward, you hear Nickelback.
←Rate | 07-20-2010 22:06 by kittykat Comments (0)  

   messageicon used to work for H&R Block, but it was too taxing.
←Rate | 07-20-2010 22:05 by kittykat Comments (0)  

   messageicon waiting for boomerangs to make a comeback
←Rate | 07-20-2010 22:04 by kittykat Comments (0)  

   messageicon In Cincinnati, a women gave birth to two 10-pound baby boys. The kids are named Strech and Mark.
←Rate | 07-20-2010 21:50 by BEGO Comments (0)  

   messageicon Does the career advice, "Come early on your first day" apply in the porn business?
←Rate | 07-20-2010 21:22 by GB Comments (0)  

   messageicon Knows that some people are like slinkies, there not really good for anything but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
←Rate | 07-20-2010 21:18 by Doc Noland Comments (0)  

   messageicon knows that arguing with you is like running a race in the Special Olympics, you might win but in the end your still a retard.
←Rate | 07-20-2010 21:14 by Doc Noland Comments (0)  

   messageicon Sorry, constantly quoting random bible scriptures isnt going to convince me. I could quote one the Twilight books and be just as profound. Twilight Eclipse, Chapter one verse three, "The."
←Rate | 07-20-2010 21:12 by Tracy Comments (5)  

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