santa AND presents AND christmas AND xmas AND holidays AND elfs Funny Status Messages

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   messageicon No matter how old you are, an empty Christmas wrapping paper tube is still a fun thing to bonk someone over the head with!
←Rate | 11-27-2012 10:48 by MWC Comments (0)  

   messageicon Know what I going to Buy to My MAYAN friend for Christmas.
←Rate | 11-26-2012 20:48 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Next time I see a dead deer on the side of the road, I'm gonna leave and come back dressed as Santa with a sign that says "Help, need ride!"
←Rate | 11-26-2012 10:34 by MWC Comments (0)  

   messageicon I know what I'm getting all my Mayan friends for Christmas!
←Rate | 11-25-2012 17:24 by snotty Comments (0)  

   messageicon If I win $425 Million next Wednesday, what do you want for Christmas?
←Rate | 11-25-2012 09:31 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Just remember this holiday season, if you say "May you kiss may ass" really fast, it sound just like "Merry Christmas"..
←Rate | 11-24-2012 18:47 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'd like to apologize for getting drunk and making an ass of myself at your Christmas party next week...
←Rate | 11-23-2012 16:24 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I asked my wife what she wants for Christmas. She said, "Oh, nothing special." So I'm giving her a framed picture of her t!ts.
←Rate | 11-23-2012 06:41 Comments (0)  

   messageicon saw a Mayan Xmas shopping today ........ seemed legit
←Rate | 11-21-2012 21:59 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Black Friday... a special time to keep Capitalism in Christmas
←Rate | 11-20-2012 22:33 Comments (0)  

   messageicon A stupid, ridiculous, sappy, eye-rolling Hallmark commercial just made me tear up...the holidays are officially here.
←Rate | 11-20-2012 22:14 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I'm dreaming of a tight Christmas!
←Rate | 11-20-2012 15:54 Comments (0)  

   messageicon What's a good Christmas gift for the woman who already has everything except morals?
←Rate | 11-15-2012 13:01 Comments (0)  

   messageicon What's a good Christmas gift for the man who has everything except a clue?
←Rate | 11-15-2012 12:30 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Tesco - It's the little things that make Christmas. Yeah, Vietnamese kids in sweat shops.
←Rate | 11-15-2012 11:39 Comments (0)  

   messageicon I remember when Santa said I was to old to sit on his lap. Well that was last year, this year I am wearing a disguise.
←Rate | 11-14-2012 20:56 by Marshall the Great Comments (0)  

   messageicon So who's buying their kids Elmo toys this Christmas?....Anyone...?
←Rate | 11-13-2012 19:55 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Santa, this Christmas all I want is a fat bank account and a slim body. Lets not mix the two up like last year, ok?
←Rate | 11-09-2012 10:24 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Santa put me in charge of the naughty list this year. So if you have been naughty inbox me so we can talk about your punishment and gift.
←Rate | 11-09-2012 01:41 Comments (0)  

   messageicon Just a friendly reminder: There's 51 shopping days before Xmas. Of course according to the Mayans, the world will end in 48 days, so you decide…
←Rate | 11-02-2012 14:18 Comments (0)  

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