
Update on TJ
Posted by TJ on Thursday September 13, 2007 @ 02:34 AM
[Tags: personal, rant, update]

[Mood: tired]

I havent been able to do much of anything lately as I've been spending my time at my office filing tax extension due September 15, 2007. Thanks to the internet though I have been able to keep up with most things. I have been buying new boxers and tshirts on the internet as needed since I have no time to do laundry and Every night I log onto youtube and watch the hottest tv shows I missed (yeah I saw Britney bomb). I also have a blockbuster online rental membership so I can even rent movies and return them (unwatched though).

Next I'm gonna start Google Image Searching beds instead of sleep.

The website changed servers and as a result the Rss feed was down due to technicalities but it is live again so make sure you resubscribe.

After tax season I plan on adding a couple new pages so stay tuned.

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