Companies that Suck | TJ's Blog

Wachovia Bank Sucks

Wachovia Bank Sucks - Review
Why Wachovia Sucks:

Wachovia is business model is the worst I ever seen. They are worst than the IRS, in that like to "tax" the poor by only charging brokerage accounts with minimal balances an annual fee.
Have a brokerage account that had less than $10,000 balance? Did you not Generate them any commmission during the year? If not, than you may get charged $85/year. Basically they are charging you money to let your money sit with them. Wachovia Bank is one of the biggest banks in the world. They must have grown too big because they no longer want to do business with the "little folks". You will notice this when dealing with their customer service and viewing their account fee schedules. They come up with new ways to charge people before coming up with better ways to do business with people. I hate companies that have no care for customer satisfaction.

Update 5/26/09 --
Just got a really pushy telemarketer calling from 1-866-228-8505 trying to sell me some health plan from "Wachovia". The person had more than two rebuttals which is very poor telemarketing and wouldn't let me speak to ask to get off the calling list. This puts a bigger damper on the Wachovia image and Wells Fargo (who now owns Wachovia). The telemarketer left the number 1-866-215-3464 to call if I had any other questions. I am not sure if this was actually Wachovia (I really hope it's not) but they need to do something to stop it.

By TJ on Friday October 26, 2007 @ 11:15 AM | Views [24541] Comments (70)

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