Wachovia Bank Sucks
Wachovia is business model is the worst I ever seen. They are worst than the IRS, in that like to "tax" the poor by only charging brokerage accounts with minimal balances an annual fee.
Have a brokerage account that had less than $10,000 balance? Did you not Generate them any commmission during the year? If not, than you may get charged $85/year. Basically they are charging you money to let your money sit with them. Wachovia Bank is one of the biggest banks in the world. They must have grown too big because they no longer want to do business with the "little folks". You will notice this when dealing with their customer service and viewing their account fee schedules. They come up with new ways to charge people before coming up with better ways to do business with people. I hate companies that have no care for customer satisfaction.
Update 5/26/09 --
Just got a really pushy telemarketer calling from 1-866-228-8505 trying to sell me some health plan from "Wachovia". The person had more than two rebuttals which is very poor telemarketing and wouldn't let me speak to ask to get off the calling list. This puts a bigger damper on the Wachovia image and Wells Fargo (who now owns Wachovia). The telemarketer left the number 1-866-215-3464 to call if I had any other questions. I am not sure if this was actually Wachovia (I really hope it's not) but they need to do something to stop it.

Saturday November 17, 2007 @ 08:26 PM
Buy.com lies,says item is in stock and then backorders it.says "this item qualifies for free shipping", and then happily charges you for shipping.gives you a discount for using google check out, and too late you find out you cannot track your item with google check out.then when you try to find out where in hell your order is they answer your email with a form email.buy .com sux.
Friday December 14, 2007 @ 12:28 AM
Buzz Brains is a computer software design firm in India that works thorugh Elance.com. They also go by the name of Android1. Stay clear of this company, they will take your money and not provide you with the product.
Wednesday January 2, 2008 @ 07:18 PM
Where do you bank at TJ??
Wednesday January 2, 2008 @ 08:05 PM
I use http://etrade.com for almost all my banking. They only have a few branches, however, this day in age with ATM's and automatic deposits there is little need to see a teller. Etrade reimburses for ATM fee's that other banks charge you, they have some of the best interest rates, low fees, great ebanking functionality, and their customer service is fantastic.
I also keep a free checking account with Wachovia just to deposit those checks I get as gifts or miscellaneous income, although I plan as getting rid of them soon as it's just as easy to mail these deposits in to etrade. I started out with them and the only reason I still hold an account there is because it's more convenient to keep the account then to close it. I now make sure to do all my investing elsewhere and make sure they get nothing for fees.
Wednesday February 13, 2008 @ 06:05 PM
Wachovia bank sucks their mortgage loan processer Nora Martinez is a big bullshit artist and lied to me about an approval on a home equity line, then denied me even though my home has over four hundred thousand dollars worth of equity in it after the small line that I wanted, and after being a great paying customer for years.I closed all my accounts even a savings with a nice chunck of money in it and refinanced with another smaller bank, that treats little people honestly..FUCK YOU WACHOVIA BANK and your pathtic loan underwriters.
Thursday February 14, 2008 @ 06:21 PM
The bigger the bank the more untruthful assholes you will encounter, do your self a favor have nothing to do with this bank their nothing but trouble, and many people i know feel the same...
Thursday February 14, 2008 @ 06:25 PM
I have never seen such a bunch of dishonest people who work for a bank as I did at the Wachovia branch..
Thursday February 14, 2008 @ 06:28 PM
Get your money of of that bank and go elsewhere, they truly suck!!!!!!!!
Tuesday February 26, 2008 @ 04:09 PM
I had a World savings home loan. which has been transfered to Walk-ova-ya. I cant even call them with a question without getting disconnected because no one wants to help me. They just hang up... I want out :(
Tuesday February 26, 2008 @ 05:41 PM
I could not agree more!
Tuesday February 26, 2008 @ 05:47 PM
Get out before it is too late.....
Friday February 29, 2008 @ 12:41 PM
No kidding! And Wachovia dealer services are the a*holes of the Earth! I am one friggin payment late (like a week) and they are calling my friend’s cellphones and 86-year-old mother (embarrassing - and don’t even know where they got these poor people’s numbers!!!), and harrassing me endlessly! Unbelievable! Whatever you do DO NOT GET A CARLOAN THROUGH THESE IDIOTS! They care nothing about you, but the minute your vehicle is worth more than you owe they have tow trucks in your driveway if you are only a few days late. Just thank gawd that you don't have a loan thru these sharks!
Saturday March 8, 2008 @ 02:39 PM
I have two accounts with Wachovia. One is my Social security disability account ($1,300), the other is an account I manage for the local ham radio club ($10,000).
I get ID'd and interrogated as to what I'm going to do with my money whenever I withdraw even $20 from my disability account. But I can throw THOUSANDS of dollars around at will from the ham radio club account without them even blinking.
Scurrilous bastards.
Thursday March 13, 2008 @ 07:03 PM
They charged me for Quicken Banking when I don't even use the software! I used Money several, and I do mean several, months ago once and it was free. They suddenly decided to start charging for it later on and because I used it during the time it was free, they suddenly started charging me during a time I wasn't even using it! I raised holy hell and got it back. I guess you can download your statements through your software but not directly from their site. I hope they don't begin charging me for something that is now free but they plan to charge for in the future. Wachovia is a thief.
Sunday March 16, 2008 @ 11:31 PM
They suck and are are bunch of crooks
Thursday March 20, 2008 @ 01:00 AM
I can personally attest that Wachovia is worse than Wells Fargo, Regions, Bank of America, TIC, CB&T, Colonial, MEA, and Suntrust. I've had accounts or other dealings with all of the above and Wachovia is hands down the worst.
Ridiculous fees, ridiculous reordering of transactions, ridiculous restrictions on the use of your own money, obnoxious in store behavior, ridiculous management... liars, thiefs that's all there is to it.
Wednesday April 2, 2008 @ 08:32 PM
You all need better things to do.
Wednesday April 2, 2008 @ 11:38 PM
Hah.. if you're really a wachovia manager maybe it's you that needs better things to do... like say invest in a new career?
Sunday April 20, 2008 @ 02:51 AM
Wachovia Manager,
YOU could only have found this site by looking into why Wachovia SUCKS. Find another job, lame o
Friday November 16, 2007 @ 05:26 PM
Wachovia bank does suck and to the point of dishonesty. they allow the big mucks to wALK IN AND TAKE YOUR MONEY AND NEVER DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. THIS REALLY HAPPENED TO ME,