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   messageicon Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.
←Rate | 06-09-2010 17:50 by Joser Comments (0)  

   messageicon Do it tomorrow. You've made enough mistakes for today.
←Rate | 06-09-2010 17:50 by joser Comments (0)  

   messageicon Bad news: I burned my finger on the toaster. Good news: 1 down, 9 stupid incriminating fingerprints to go.
←Rate | 06-09-2010 17:39 by Joser Comments (0)  

   messageicon it's not illegal it's frowned upon
←Rate | 06-09-2010 17:38 by Joser Comments (0)  

   messageicon Less work. More aholic.
←Rate | 06-09-2010 17:38 by Joser Comments (0)  

   messageicon I mix Corona with water and it gets me drunk... mixed Wine with water and it gets me drunk... I mix Tequila with water and gets me drunk again... therefore I've reached the conclusion that water is bad for me...
←Rate | 06-08-2010 20:47 by Joser Comments (0)  

   messageicon Many personality flaws are now treatable mental illnesses... My insurance denied me coverage, apparently being an @sshole is a preexisting condition.
←Rate | 06-08-2010 20:32 by Joser Comments (0)  

   messageicon Ok, TV coroners. We get it. You're comfortable around dead bodies. You can stop putting your sandwiches on them.
←Rate | 06-08-2010 20:31 by Joser Comments (0)  

   messageicon I once went 4 days with out a cell phone. So ya, Third World Countries, I get it now.
←Rate | 06-08-2010 20:31 by Joser Comments (0)  

   messageicon With all the disease in this world, I'm just happy I didn't catch "The Stupid", or any other airborne illness like Freckles
←Rate | 06-08-2010 20:30 by Joser Comments (0)  

   messageicon What do I mean, "inner geek"? I'm deluding myself -- I'm pretty much geek all the way through.
←Rate | 06-08-2010 19:23 by Joser Comments (0)  

   messageicon put the bom in the bom sha-bom bom, but lays no claim to the ram in the ramalama ding dong.
←Rate | 06-08-2010 19:22 by Joser Comments (0)  

   messageicon thinks copy & paste is the greatest invention ever thinks copy & paste is the greatest invention ever thinks copy & paste is the greatest...
←Rate | 06-08-2010 19:13 by Joser Comments (0)  

   messageicon sick and is therefore listening to The Cure.
←Rate | 06-08-2010 19:01 by Joser Comments (0)  

   messageicon When asked "What would you bring with you to a deserted island", how come no one ever replies, "A boat."?
←Rate | 06-08-2010 17:44 by Joser Comments (0)  

   messageicon With all the technology available now, you'd think they'd have found a way to grow apples without those little stickers.
←Rate | 06-08-2010 17:42 by Joser Comments (0)  

   messageicon Sunburn is only a laughing matter when it happens to someone else.
←Rate | 06-08-2010 17:39 by Joser Comments (0)  

   messageicon how many hijackings with nail clippers and shampoo have there been? None, that's how many!
←Rate | 06-08-2010 17:38 by Joser Comments (0)  

   messageicon If the show is called America's Got Talent, how come Howie Mandel is hosting it?
←Rate | 06-08-2010 17:38 by Joser Comments (1)  

   messageicon Biggest trade to date: Lakers to trade Jack Nicholson
←Rate | 06-07-2010 21:45 by Joser Comments (0)  

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