ptv Funny Status Messages
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I don't always delete people from facebook, but when I do, I prefer they constantly try to re-friend me and poke me. Stay desperate my ex-friends
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06-25-2011 11:37 by ptv
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Drinking; for those times where the most economical choice is a vacation that's close to home
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07-21-2011 21:12 by ptv
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Walk into kitchen for orange juice; walk out with sandwich, crackers, chocolate milk, and the TV remote you lost 30 minutes ago
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04-04-2011 21:47 by ptv
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Look at it this way; if the world's meant to end in 2012, at least you won't have to pay $10/gal for gas
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04-30-2011 20:27 by ptv
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So is it the 3rd or 4th refill of water into the nearly empty liquid soap bottle that makes you ghetto?
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12-29-2011 00:08 by ptv
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I feel like a million bucks today! Just wish I had luck finding a bank that will accept self esteem as a form of payment
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02-19-2011 15:37 by ptv
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A thunderstorm is God's way of saying his electronics will always be better than yours
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05-25-2011 22:18 by PTV
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If you don't have a love in your life, don't worry. If you keep living a life with no regrets, either your love will come or someone will regret living their life without you.
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03-13-2011 15:47 by ptv
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My condolences to Snoop and the rest of the Dogg family. RIP Nate Dogg
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03-16-2011 11:44 by ptv
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I can usually figure out many parties I've been to lately by counting the extra lighters I woke up with in my pocket.
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03-10-2011 18:53 by ptv
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Remember: warning labels exist because someone failed at using the product correctly. scary when you think about windshield sun covers and the warning "do not drive while intact"
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02-17-2011 20:37 by ptv
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If only Dave Chappelle was still around to say "I'm Charlie Sheen b*tch. It's a celebration b*tches."
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03-03-2011 11:31 by ptv
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I was grateful for the fact that Facebook now groups similar posts (i.e. "10 of your friends posted about Valentine's Day"), so I can just skip past them. Unfortunately, I have friends that can't spell 'Valentine'. LOL
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02-14-2012 21:49 by PTV
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I can use facebook for things other than finding a partner now that I can count on the gas pump to screw me
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04-29-2011 00:27 by ptv
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blah. with all this warm weather, the opportunities to write my name in cursive in the snow are disappearing.
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02-17-2011 02:18 by ptv
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wondering if there's a business in Facebook psych evaluation? after reading status after status you would think instead if it saying "what's on your mind?" it says "how crazy do you want your friends to think you are?"
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03-23-2011 17:05 by ptv
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hey look on the bright side LeBron. you have all those endorsement deals including the one who just called for you. wants you to be the new face of the board game "sorry"
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06-13-2011 01:15 by ptv
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I like how Facebook tells me I found these friends using their friend finder. um no I found these friends before I had hair on my balls back when I could have been rich had I thought of Facebook
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06-08-2011 22:31 by ptv
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Whenever you feel like an idiot, just remember that flushing the toilet correctly already makes you less of an idiot than someone else
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08-17-2011 23:22 by ptv
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I feel like a ninja when I wish people happy birthday on Facebook at 12:01am
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04-07-2011 01:11 by ptv
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