Lemonpillow Funny Status Messages
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Apparently, I would rather break my teeth or put a hole in my new shirt than locate a pair of scissors to cut the tag off.
When dogs leap onto your bed,it's because they adore being with you. When cats leap onto your bed,it's because they adore your bed.
When I die, I want to be buried with a ring of toasters surrounding me. That way, when Archaeologists dig me up in 1,000 years they'll say "Ohh she must have been important!"
A study finds that most US currency is laced with cocaine. In fact, most dollar bills have a street value of $1.07.
People used to protest things... Now they just join Facebook groups named 1,000,000 strong against ___________ .
Its Friday 13th,an unlucky day.To counteract that you could try a Rabbits Foot or a Lucky Horseshoe. Horseshoes usually bring good luck today,but never trust a horse that wears high heels & remember to never trust a rabbit that tries to sell you his foot.
How many animals can you get into a pair of tights? 10 little piggies, 2 calves, 1 beaver, 1 ass, 1 p*ssy, thousands of hares and a dead fish no one can ever find.
A study reported that iPhone users have more sex. Most likely cause is that there's an app for that.
I never apologize. I'm sorry, but that's just the way I am...
If opportunity really wanted my attention, it would have rung the doorbell.
This week the California gay marriage ban Proposition 8 was struck down the same day as the new 2011 IKEA catalog was unveiled. Coincidence?
Some idiot in a nightclub came up to me and said, "I get 20 times more girls than you do! Haha!!."I replied, "20 x 0 = 0!" That shut him up.
Do nudists refer to their genitals as "privates" or "publics"?
Apparently each year, more people get killed by donkeys than in aeroplane crashes.So to summarize, if you ever see a donkey on an aeroplane, you're in f*cking trouble.
Whoever says that pizza is not good for you is sooo wrong. You can actually get every single food group into a single slice. You can't say that about much else.
My son has painted the most beautiful mural. On the side of our house. His new family will be so proud.
Lady Gaga admitted that she does cocaine. Not really surprising news. What is surprising? She snorts it off her penis.
2 doctors are laying in bed after having sex.Guy says "You must be an gyno' because you can work that p*ssy." The woman says "You must be an anesthesiologist because I didn't feel a thing."
Only Picasso would have said I look lovely this morning.
I love to whisper in a woman's ear. Not because I'm romantic, but because I don't want other people to hear me lying.
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