Funny Status Message #28945
X Its Friday 13th,an unlucky day.To counteract that you could try a Rabbits Foot or a Lucky Horseshoe. Horseshoes usually bring good luck today,but never trust a horse that wears high heels & remember to never trust a rabbit that tries to sell you his foot.

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- Related Status Messages:
- # 13453 Who in the heck thought it was a good idea to pull a foot off a rabbit and use it as a lucky charm? If it wasn't lucky for the rabbit why would it be lucky for me??
- # 102606 If a Rabbit Foot is considered good luck, then a Camel Toe should be considered amazing luck!
- # 127969 I love my lucky rabbit's foot because nothing says good fortune like the severed limb of an adorable, defenseless, woodland creature.
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Saturday August 14, 2010 @ 03:09 AM
If the rabbit's foot was so lucky it wouldnt be cut off