Funny Status Messages and Tweets
Funny Status Messages for Facebook, Discord, and Whatsapp and funny tweets for Twitter.
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Let's all go caroling at a Jehovah's witness house...
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12-21-2011 01:09
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1 universe, 8 planets, 204 countries, 804 islands, 7 seas, 7 billion people, and you're still single? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAGAHA, me too.!!!!!!!!!
There are just some people who shouldn't exist and if they are going to be allowed to exist then they should be Taxed extra for all the precious air they use!
I don't have mistletoe this year, so we'll just have to kiss under the influence :P!!
In school, the only thing group projects ever taught me was that I hate other people.
Wow! that was close! I almost gave a F*ck!
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12-21-2011 00:11
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Yeah, I can see where decorating your office for Christmas takes priority over you actually doing the job you're getting paid for. While you're at it you might as well decorate the bathroom too, someone might actually give a sh*t in there
Just bought forty copies of Justin Bieber's latest CD as Christmas presents for all those who really pissed me off throughout 2011.
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12-20-2011 23:49 by ANNOYED
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I wish R.I.P Meant - "Return If Possible"
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12-20-2011 23:31
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If sex were a pancake, it would be a very good pancake.
Googled ,what women hate about men and a picture of me appeared ..!!!
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12-20-2011 23:04
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Last Christmas I gave you my heart. But the very next day you gave it away. This year I'll give it to someone speci....wait a minute! You re-gifted my heart!?!
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12-20-2011 22:24 by lkl627
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Dont be suprised if a big fat man comes down your chimney and puts you in a black sack.. I told him I want you for Christmas.
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12-20-2011 22:15 by BEGO
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Ok all so its about 8:15 pm december 20, 2011. That means we basically have 1 year 3 hours and 45 minutes of existence left :p....Lets make the best of it
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12-20-2011 22:13 by Langley
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We live in a generation of not being in love, and not being together. But we sure make it feel like we're together because we're scared to see each other with somebody else *Drake*
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12-20-2011 21:43
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If you let the bad things stop you, you'll never get to the good things.
Your picture on Facebook (`▽´) .Your face in real life : (‾(••)‾)
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12-20-2011 21:39 by fadolo
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New year resolution- nothing better to start the year than by making more rules to break over the year.
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12-20-2011 21:33 by BEGO
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If I can give some advice to the gentleman, you can say you love her but actions speak louder than words. Females have had guys talk and talk, and the actions dont match up. If you wanna prove you are not like the rest, act like it. Dont just say it.
I wanna write "I miss you" on a rock then throw it to your face, so you can feel how missing you hurts.